وب سایت تخصصی شرکت فرین
دسته بندی دوره ها

C-level management: 100 models for business success

سرفصل های دوره

Learn how to use proven business models and frameworks - strategic, operational and tactical

1 - Introduction
  • 1 - Introduction
  • 2 - What makes a good manager
  • 3 - Consistency as a manager

  • 2 - Building
  • 1 - Can you build your business.html
  • 4 - 02-Strategic-roadmap-exercise.pdf
  • 4 - Roadmap.pdf
  • 4 - The strategic roadmap
  • 5 - 03-The-mission-statement-an-exercise.pdf
  • 5 - The mission
  • 6 - 04-The-vision-an-exercise.pdf
  • 6 - The vision
  • 7 - 06-Business-model-canvas-example-bathroom-construction.pdf
  • 7 - 06-Business-model-canvas-example-food-manufacturing.pdf
  • 7 - 06-Business-model-canvas-example-transport.pdf
  • 7 - 06-The-Business-Model-Canvas-exercise-Key-Activities.pdf
  • 7 - 06-The-Business-Model-Canvas-exercise-Key-Partners.pdf
  • 7 - Business-model-canvas.pdf
  • 7 - The Business Model Canvas
  • 8 - 28-QFD-exercise.pdf
  • 8 - Quality function deployment
  • 9 - The MVP
  • 10 - Business model essence
  • 11 - The platform design toolkit
  • 12 - The lean startup canvas
  • 13 - The blitzscaling canvas
  • 14 - The power of your product or service

  • 3 - Analysis
  • 15 - 01-SWOT-example-restaurant.pdf
  • 15 - SWOT-vs-TOWS.pdf
  • 15 - The SWOT analysis
  • 16 - 12-The-PESTLE-analysis-exercise.pdf
  • 16 - The PESTLE analysis
  • 17 - The SOAR analysis
  • 18 - The breakeven analysis
  • 19 - The VRIO analysis
  • 20 - 39-The-GAP-analysis.pdf
  • 20 - The GAP analysis
  • 21 - The McKinsey 9box matrix
  • 22 - The value chain analysis
  • 23 - The McKinsey 7S framework

  • 4 - Creativity
  • 24 - TOWS-example-restaurant.pdf
  • 24 - The TOWS matrix
  • 25 - SWOT vs TOWS
  • 25 - SWOT-vs-TOWS.pdf
  • 26 - 41-Doblins-framework-for-innovation-exercise.pdf
  • 26 - Doblins ten types of innovation framework
  • 27 - The circular economy canvas
  • 28 - Six thinking hats

  • 5 - Problemsolving
  • 29 - 22-CATWOE-exercise.pdf
  • 29 - The CATWOE analysis
  • 30 - The FMECA model
  • 31 - The fault tree analysis
  • 32 - HAZOP Hazard and operability
  • 33 - The fishbone diagram
  • 34 - The 5 whys

  • 6 - Communication
  • 35 - The AIDA model
  • 36 - Decisionmaking
  • 37 - The minimum viable audience
  • 38 - 63-The-strategy-diamond-exercise.pdf
  • 38 - The strategy diamond
  • 39 - Berlos communication model
  • 40 - Aristotles communication model

  • 7 - Timemanagement
  • 41 - Continuous innovation and lean startup
  • 42 - MOST mission objectives strategies and tactics
  • 43 - SMART goals part 1
  • 44 - SMART goals part 2
  • 45 - SMART goals part 3
  • 46 - SMART goals part 4
  • 47 - SMART goals part 5
  • 48 - SMART goals part 6
  • 49 - SMART goals part 7
  • 50 - SMART goals part 8
  • 51 - Timebox.pdf
  • 51 - Timeboxing
  • 52 - The Pomodoro technique

  • 8 - Change management
  • 53 - Change with ADKAR
  • 54 - The BurkeLitwin change model
  • 55 - Kotters 8step change model
  • 56 - Bridges change transition model
  • 57 - Lewins change model
  • 58 - The SARAH model
  • 59 - Change management in the sales process

  • 9 - Project planning
  • 60 - The GOSPA framework
  • 61 - The Ansoff Matrix
  • 62 - Scenario planning

  • 10 - Leadership
  • 63 - 16-The-Tuckman-model-exercise.pdf
  • 63 - The Tuckman model
  • 64 - 40-The-5p-model-exercise.pdf
  • 64 - The 5P model
  • 65 - Hard skills and soft skills

  • 11 - Efficiency
  • 66 - 20-The-BCG-matrix-exercise.pdf
  • 66 - The Boston Consulting group matrix
  • 67 - 21-TBPM-exercise.pdf
  • 67 - 21-TBPM-exercise-2.pdf
  • 67 - Taskbased process mining
  • 68 - 24-JIT-exercise.pdf
  • 68 - The JustInTime model JIT
  • 69 - The optimized production technology
  • 70 - IDEF

  • 12 - Sales and marketing
  • 71 - Porters five forces
  • 71 - porterfiveforces.zip
  • 72 - The sales operations plan
  • 73 - The STP marketing model
  • 74 - 23-BANT-exercise.pdf
  • 74 - The BANT framework
  • 74 - bant.zip
  • 75 - 31-SPIN-selling-exercise.pdf
  • 75 - 31-SPIN-selling-implication-exercise.pdf
  • 75 - 31-SPIN-selling-need-payoff-exercise.pdf
  • 75 - 31-SPIN-selling-problem-exercise.pdf
  • 75 - 31-SPIN-selling-situation-exercise.pdf
  • 75 - SPIN selling
  • 76 - 31-SPIN-selling-situation-exercise.pdf
  • 76 - 35-NEAT-selling-access-to-authority.pdf
  • 76 - 35-NEAT-selling-economic-impact.pdf
  • 76 - 35-NEAT-selling-exercise.pdf
  • 76 - 35-NEAT-selling-timeline.pdf
  • 76 - NEAT selling
  • 77 - Access to authority questions in NEAT selling
  • 78 - 37-CHAMP-exercise.pdf
  • 78 - CHAMP selling
  • 79 - 59-TAM-SAM-SOM-exercise.pdf
  • 79 - TAM SAM SOM
  • 80 - 61-The-MAN-framework-exercise.pdf
  • 80 - The MAN framework
  • 81 - Value disciplines
  • 82 - The 3C analysis
  • 83 - 4 ways to do sales prospecting
  • 84 - The customer journey
  • 85 - The importance of the CRM
  • 86 - The sales pipeline
  • 87 - Hard sales versus soft sales
  • 88 - MQL versus SQL
  • 89 - Connecting with buyers
  • 90 - Effective cold calling

  • 13 - Strategie
  • 91 - The franchise business model
  • 92 - The multisided business model
  • 93 - The balanced scorecard
  • 94 - 42-The-three-wheel-framework-for-customer-centricity.pdf
  • 94 - The threewheel framework for customer centricity
  • 95 - The NadlerTushman congruence model
  • 96 - The Web3 business model template
  • 97 - The assymetric business model
  • 98 - The Long Tail
  • 99 - 60-Blue-ocean-strategy-exercise.pdf
  • 99 - The blue ocean strategy
  • 100 - 62-Market-expansion-theory-exercise.pdf
  • 100 - Market expansion strategy

  • 14 - Extra
  • 101 - 50 management terms
  • 102 - The red car theory
  • 45,900 تومان
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    ایمیل شما:
    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 38267
    حجم: 5703 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 652 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 21 تیر 1403
    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

    45,900 تومان
    افزودن به سبد خرید