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Mastering Terraform: from Zero to HashiCorp Certified 2024

سرفصل های دوره

All in One video course for learning Terraform and gaining official Terarform Associate Certification (003)

1. Introduction
  • 1. Course introduction
  • 2. About your instructor
  • 3. Overview of lecture format
  • 4. What is Terraform and why it matters
  • 5. Terraform vs other Infrastructure as Code tools
  • 6. Code repository walkthrough.html

  • 2. Getting started & setting up your lab
  • 1. Overview of this section
  • 2. Terraform installation on MS Windows
  • 3. Terraform installation on macOS
  • 4. Terraform installation on Linux
  • 5. Managing multiple versions of Terraform
  • 6. AWS CLI
  • 7. AWS Setup Create an AWS account
  • 8. AWS Setup Generate an API credentials
  • 9. Configure AWS API credentials
  • 10. saml2aws
  • 11. Configuring IDE for Terraform development
  • 12. Summary

  • 3. First steps with Terraform
  • 1. Overview of this section
  • 2. Overview of Infrastructure as Code
  • 3. Pros and cons of Infrastructure As Code
  • 4. Introduction to HCL
  • 5. Introduction to JSON syntax of Terraform
  • 6. A tour of Terraform project structure
  • 7. Deploying your first infrastructure with Terraform
  • 8. Summary

  • 4. Understanding the core Terraform workflow
  • 1. Overview of this section
  • 2. Understanding Terraform Interaction with Service Providers
  • 3. Core Terraform workflow
  • 4. Terraform authentication and authorization
  • 5. Authentication with Static credentials
  • 6. Authentication with Environment variables
  • 7. Authentication with Shared credentials file
  • 8. Authentication with EC2 Role
  • 9. Authentication with Assume role
  • 10. Authentication with Identity federation
  • 11. Authentication with MFA
  • 12. Choose a right autehtication method
  • 13. Terraform Initialization
  • 14. Terraform Planning
  • 15. Save Terraform execution plan into file
  • 16. Terraform Applying
  • 17. Destroying infrastructure
  • 18. The importance of Idempotency in Terraform
  • 19. Summary

  • 5. Implement and Maintain State Files
  • 1. Overview of this section
  • 2. Overview of Terraform state management
  • 3. Understanding Desired & Current states
  • 4. Local vs remote state Best practices
  • 5. Using S3 as a backend for Remote State
  • 6. Transitioning from Local to Remote State
  • 7. State locking
  • 8. Using DynamoDB for State locking
  • 9. Dealing with Terraform Drift
  • 10. Managing Resources Created Outside of Terraform
  • 11. Cross-Project Collaboration
  • 12. Summary

  • 6. Terraform Expressions
  • 1. Overview of this section
  • 2. Literal expressions
  • 3. Quoting, Heredocs, and Interpolation
  • 4. Syntax and Parameters
  • 5. Navigating Paths
  • 6. Conditional Expressions
  • 7. For expression
  • 8. Dynamic blocks
  • 9. Summary

  • 7. Terraform Functions
  • 1. Overview of this section
  • 2. Overview of built-in functions in Terraform
  • 3. Numeric built-in functions
  • 4. String built-in functions
  • 5. Collection built-in functions
  • 6. Encoding built-in functions
  • 7. Filesystem built-in functions
  • 8. Date and Time built-in functions
  • 9. Hash and Crypto built-in functions
  • 10. IP Network built-in functions
  • 11. Type Conversion functions
  • 12. Summary

  • 8. Terraform Modules
  • 1. Overview of this section
  • 2. Introduction to Modules in Terraform
  • 3. How to Write Your Own Local Terraform Module
  • 4. Input, Output, and Local Variables in Terraform Modules
  • 5. Using Modules from the Public Terraform Registry
  • 6. Module Versioning and Management
  • 7. Module Forking for Custom Solutions
  • 8. Writing Your Own Public Terraform Module
  • 9. Publishing Your Own Public Terraform Module
  • 10. Summary

  • 9. Terraform Provisioners
  • 1. Overview of this section
  • 2. Understanding Provisioners in Terraform
  • 3. local-exec provisioners
  • 4. remote-exec provisioners
  • 5. Creation-Time & Destroy-Time provisioners
  • 6. Failure Behaviour for Provisioners
  • 7. Summary

  • 10. Advanced Terraform Topics
  • 1. Overview of this section
  • 2. depends_on argument
  • 3. count argument
  • 4. for_each argument
  • 5. Tainting a Resource
  • 6. Lifecycle hooks
  • 7. Dependency Lock File
  • 8. Terraform Workspaces
  • 9. Terraform Graph
  • 10. Terraform Validation
  • 11. Introduction to HashiCorp Vault
  • 12. Introduction to Unit testing
  • 13. Summary

  • 11. Terraform Cloud & Enterprise
  • 1. Overview of this section
  • 2. Introduction to Terraform Cloud and Enterprise
  • 3. Getting Started with Terraform Cloud
  • 4. Terraform Cloud Workflow
  • 5. Policy as Code with Sentinel
  • 6. Working in Air-gapped Environments
  • 7. Summary

  • 12. Preparing for the Terraform Associate Certification
  • 1. Overview of this section
  • 2. About the Terraform Associate Certification
  • 3. How to book an exam
  • 4. Essential Preparations for the Exam
  • 5. Summary
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    حجم: 3546 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 406 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 20 تیر 1403
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