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Mastering Ruby On Rails 7 – The Complete Reference Guide

سرفصل های دوره

Learn Rails 7, Active Record ORM,Active Jobs, Stimulus, API's, Authentication, Authorization - From Scratch Step By Step

1. Ruby On Rails - The Big Picture
  • 1. Course Introduction
  • 2. Installing Ruby
  • 3. Installing Rails
  • 4. Installing an Editor
  • 5.1 Rails 7 Course Exercise Files.zip
  • 5. Complete Course Exercise Files

  • 2. Getting Ready with Rails Sample Application
  • 1. Creating Rails Application
  • 2. Creating a New Controller with Actions
  • 3. Accessing Request QueryString Parameters
  • 4. Accessing Controllers Variables in Views
  • 5. Displaying Current Date and Time in View

  • 3. Working with built-in Helper Methods
  • 1. Passing a Hash To View
  • 2. Working with IF In View
  • 3. Looping through with .each Method

  • 4. Debugging Rails Application
  • 1. Using ViewHelper Methods to inspect variables
  • 2. Working with Debug Gem
  • 3. Working with web-console Gem

  • 5. Understanding Logging Mechanism
  • 1. Logging Messages with various Log Levels

  • 6. Consuming RESTAPI
  • 1. Consume RESTAPI and Render Data
  • 2. Consume RESTAPI and Render Data using Bootstrap Card Component
  • 3. Working with redirect_to, link_to
  • 4. Handling CheckBox Events using jquery-rails

  • 7. Setting Up SQL Server Database for Rails Application
  • 1. Installing SQL Server 2022
  • 2. Installing SQL Server Management Studio
  • 3. Configuring SQL Db Adapter in Rails App

  • 8. Performing CRUD Operations using Rails ORM - ActiveRecord
  • 1. Creating Models and Applying Migrations
  • 2. Performing CRUD Operations from Rails Console
  • 3. Displaying List Of All Employees
  • 4. Displaying Details of an Individual Employee
  • 5. Editing Details of an Employee
  • 6. Updating Data To Database Table
  • 7. Deleting an Employee
  • 8. Inserting a New Employee

  • 9. Working with Action Text Gem
  • 1. Installing and Configuring ActionText Gem and Using a Rich Text Editor

  • 10. Performing Joins using Rails ORM
  • 1. Creating Master Models and Applying Migrations
  • 2. Seeding Master Tables with Essential Data
  • 3. Adding Foreign Keys through Migrations
  • 4. Inserting Data along with Foreign Keys Data
  • 5. Displaying All Records along with Foreign Keys Data
  • 6. Implementing Details,Edit and Delete Operations

  • 11. Implementing Validations
  • 1. Setting Up Validations Demo Application
  • 2. Creating Actions and Views
  • 3. Implementing Model Level Validations
  • 4. Displaying All Error Messages at Form Level
  • 5. Displaying Error Message at Field Level
  • 6. Writing Custom Validators

  • 12. Active Record Migrations - InDepth
  • 1. Creating Migrations to Add, Remove, Change Columns & Foreign Keys - Part 1
  • 2. Creating Migrations to Add, Remove, Change Columns & Foreign Keys - Part 2

  • 13. Performing Bulk Delete Operations
  • 1. Deleting a Single Record Using RadioButton as a Row Selector
  • 2. Deleting Bulk Records Using CheckBoxes
  • 3. Creating Stimulus Controller to handle Client Side Events

  • 14. Performing Bulk Update Operations
  • 1. Rendering Rows into TextBoxes
  • 2. Handling Edit Button Event using Stimulus
  • 3. Updating Bulk Records

  • 15. Performing Bulk Insert Operations
  • 1. Creating Partial View
  • 2. Rendering Partial View From Main View
  • 3. Inserting Bulk Records

  • 16. Implementing Cascading DropDown Lists
  • 1. Getting ready with Models, Foreign Keys, Migrations, Relationships
  • 2. Seeding Master Tables
  • 3. Implementing Actions for Controllers
  • 4. Creating Views
  • 5. Using Rails.ajax in Stimulus Controller

  • 17. Rendering Partial Views Using AJAX - Shopping Cart Single Page Application (SPA)
  • 1. Understanding REST API End Points
  • 2. Filling Dropdown List with Categories
  • 3. Rendering Products of a Category inside a Partial View using AJAX
  • 4. Rendering Shopping Cart
  • 5. Implementing Add To Cart Functionality
  • 6. Increasing and Decreasing Product Quantity using Buttons
  • 7. Implementing Remove From Cart Functionality

  • 18. Implementing Pagination, Search Functionalities
  • 1. Configuring Kaminari Paginator
  • 2. Implementing Pagination
  • 3. Implementing Dynamic Page Sizing
  • 4. Implementing Search Functionality

  • 19. Working with Radio Buttons
  • 1. Getting Ready with Models, Foreign Keys, Migrations, Relationships
  • 2. Seeding Tables
  • 3. Rendering Radio Buttons Dynamically
  • 4. Handling Radio Button Events using Stimulus Controller
  • 5. Saving Data To Multiple Tables upon Submission of Form

  • 20. Working with CheckBoxes
  • 1. Rendering Checkboxes Dynamically
  • 2. Handling Checkbox Events using Stimulus Controller
  • 3. Saving Data To Multiple Tables upon Submission of Form

  • 21. Working with ListBoxes
  • 1. Rendering Items into ListBoxes Dynamically
  • 2. Moving Items From One List Box To Another ListBox Using Buttons
  • 3. Handing Button Click Events using Stimulus Controller
  • 4. Saving Data To Multiple Tables upon Submission of Form

  • 22. Filtering Records Using Active Record Query Interface
  • 1. Using Where Clause - Part 1
  • 2. Using Where Clause - Part 2
  • 3. Working with find,findby,take,order,select,limit,count,joins,find_by_sql Methods

  • 23. Working with Active Record Callbacks
  • 1. Implementing Before Save,Update,Delete and After Save,Update,Delete Callbacks

  • 24. Using Rails Transaction Support
  • 1. Getting Ready with Models
  • 2. Creating Controllers Index Action
  • 3. Inserting Data Into Multiple Tables with Transaction Support

  • 25. Export Data To Various Formats
  • 1. Installing Required GEMS
  • 2. Implementing Controller Actions
  • 3. Exporting Data To PDF
  • 4. Exporting Data To CSV
  • 5. Exporting Data To TXT
  • 6. Exporting Data To XLS
  • 7. Exporting Data To DOCX

  • 26. Uploading Files using Active Storage
  • 1. Getting ready with Active Storage Tables
  • 2. Implementing Index Action
  • 3. Implementing New Action
  • 4. Using jQuery Rails to handle events
  • 5. Implementing Create Action
  • 6. Implementing Show Action

  • 27. Charts
  • 1. Rendering Graph Types in a DropDown List
  • 2. Drawing Bar, Line,Area,Pie,Doughnut,Radar,PolarArea Graphs on Canvas

  • 28. Cookies - State Management Technique
  • 1. Creating Plain Text Cookies, Signed Cookies and Encrypted Cookies

  • 29. Sessions - State Management Technique
  • 1. Storing Data Into Session and Reading Data From Session
  • 2. Storing Session Data Into A Database Table

  • 30. Authentication
  • 1. Configuring Devise Gem For Authentication Functionality
  • 2. Creating Roles
  • 3. Creating Devise Model, Controllers and Views
  • 4. Configuring Associations between Models
  • 5. Configuring Routes
  • 6. Customizing Layout Page
  • 7. Implementing SignUp Functionality
  • 8. Implementing Change Passwsord, Delete Account Functionality
  • 9. Implementing Change Profile Functionality
  • 10. Displaying List Of Roles for SuperUser
  • 11. Creating New Roles By SuperUser
  • 12. Editing Roles By SuperUser
  • 13. Deleting Roles By SuperUser
  • 14. Displaying List Of Staff Users
  • 15. Creating a New Staff User
  • 16. Editing Staff User Details
  • 17. Deleting a Staff User
  • 18. Creating Permission Model and Permission_Role Model
  • 19. Assigning Permissions To Roles

  • 31. Authorization
  • 1. Configuring Pundit Gem
  • 2. Creating Policy
  • 3. Attaching Policy for Controllers CRUD Operations

  • 32. Locking and Unlocking Users
  • 1. Configuring Devise Model with Trackable and Lockable Modules
  • 2. Configuring Sessions Controller For Consecutive Failed Login Attempts
  • 3. Displaying List Of Locked Users

  • 33. Working with Active Jobs
  • 1. Installing Essential Gems for Active Jobs Scheduling
  • 2. Getting ready with Models
  • 3. Seeding Tables with Sample Rows
  • 4. Creating a New Job and Implementing Perform Function
  • 5. Creating a Second Job
  • 6. Configuring application.rb,routes.rb,redis.rb,sidekiq.rb
  • 7. Installing WSL (Windows Sub System for Linux) and Redis Server Locally
  • 8. Run Redis Server, Sidekiq and Rails Application To Test Jobs

  • 34. Creating Rest API using Rails
  • 1. Creating New Rails REST API Project and Models,Foreign Keys, Migrations
  • 2. Seeding Master Tables
  • 3. Creating RESTAPI Controllers
  • 4. Configuring CORS
  • 5. Implementing Get All Records
  • 6. Implementing Get By Id
  • 7. Implementing Put
  • 8. Implementing Delete
  • 9. Implementing Post
  • 10. Implementing Nested Serializers using Active Model Serializers

  • 35. Consuming Rails Rest API from Rails Web Application
  • 1. Making HTTP GET Request to retrieve List Of Records
  • 2. Making HTTP GET Request to retrieve a Single Record
  • 3. Making HTTP Put Request to Edit a Record
  • 4. Making HTTP DELETE Request to Delete a record
  • 5. Making HTTP POST Request to insert a new record
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