1.1 business growth data.xlsx
1. SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, and MAX functions
2. Applying SUM and AVERAGE in Excel.html
3.1 business growth data.xlsx
3. SUMIF, and AVERAGEIF functions
4. Applying conditional aggregate function in Excel.html
5.1 business growth data.xlsx
5. COUNT, COUNTA, and COUNTIF functions
6. Using COUNTIF function in Excel.html
7.1 business growth data.xlsx
7. YEAR, MONTH and DAY for date manipulation
8. Extracting key elements of date in Excel.html
9.1 business growth data.xlsx
9. IF STATEMENTs for conditional operation
10. Performing NESTED IF operation in Excel.html
11.1 employeeInfo.xlsx
11. VLOOKUP for column-wise insight search
12. Performing VLOOKUP operation in Excel.html
13.1 sales crosstab.xlsx
13. HLOOKUP for row-wise insight search
14. Performing HLOOKUP operation in Excel.html
15.1 xlookup.xlsx
15. XLOOKUP for robust & complex insight search
16. Performing XLOOKUP operation in Excel.html