1. Intro
2. Creating a bot and configuring it
3. Creating an Echo Bot
4. Command Filters
5. User Filters
6. Content Type Filters
7. Set Commands in a Bot
8. Send an Animation via Telegram Bot
9. Send an Audio File to a User
10. Send a Document to a User
11. Send a Media Group to a User
12. Send a Photo to a User
13. Send a Sticker to a User
14. Send a Video to a User
15. Send a Video Message to a User
16. Send a Voice Message to a User
17. Create an inline keyboard method 1
18. Create an inline keyboard method 2
19. Create an inline keyboard method 3
20. Remove the keyboard
21. Create a reply keyboard. Method 1
22. Create a reply keyboard. Method 2
23. Middleware
24. State machine in aiogram
25. Simple Bot
26. Middleware for connect DataBase