01. Introduction 370K
02. Who This Course Is For 308K
03. What This Course Covers 299K
04. What This Course Does Not Cover 298K
05. What Outcomes Should You Expect 343K
06. What Problems Does It Solve 327K
07. Centralized Version Control 278K
08. Distributed Version Control 286K
09. Git Overview 268K
10. Installing Git 437K
11. Command line usage 393K
12. Initial Setup 349K
13. Updating Git 448K
14. Git Clients 539K
15. Introduction 408K
16. Repository 224K
17. Init 222K
18. Clone 226K
19. GitIgnore 230K
20. Stage 230K
21. Commit 258K
22. Amend 217K
23. Remote 224K
24. Local 228K
25. Push 232K
26. Pull 250K
27. Fetch 242K
28. Sync 250K
29. Stash 236K
30. Branch 235K
31. Fork 232K
32. Merge and Merge Conflict 228K
33. Fast Forward 231K
34. Head 219K
35. Rebase 230K
36. Tag 216K
37. Pull Request 261K
38. Introduction 420K
39. Create a Repository 377K
40. GitIgnore 297K
41. Commit Gitignore File 410K
42. Commit Other File 409K
43. Create a Branch 338K
44. Add Commit to the Branch 440K
45. Add a Commit to Main 356K
46. Merge the Branch Into Main 385K
47. Introduction 402K
48. GitLab 456K
49. BitBucket 588K
50. Azure DevOps 407K
51. GitHub 825K
52. Introduction 412K
53. Create a Repository on GitHub 355K
54. Clone the Repository 370K
55. Create the Initial Code 544K
56. Syncing Repos 364K
57. Identify a Needed Change 381K
58. General Work Process 379K
59. Introduction 421K
60. Identify the Issue 385K
61. Fork the Repository 391K
62. Clone the Repository 441K
63. Fix the Issue 406K
64. Push the Branch 452K
65. Create a Pull Request 482K
66. Reviewing the Results 492K
67. Introduction 406K
68. Handle Merge Conflicts 419K
69. Update a Commit 454K
70. Update a Commit Message 433K
71. Move a Commit to a Branch 467K
72. Undo an Old Commit 521K
73. Undo Changes to a File 386K
74. Untrack a File 418K
75. Unrecoverable Issues 416K
76. Introduction 405K
77. VSCode 542K
78. Visual Studio 488K
79. GitHub Desktop 449K
80. GitKraken 455K
81. Conclusion 409K