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JavaScript Prototypes: Ultimate Course (2024)

سرفصل های دوره

Excel in JavaScript Prototypes, Instantiation Patterns, [[Prototype]], proto, & beyond! Become a JavaScript Grandmaster

1 - Introduction
  • 1 - Prototypal Inheritance.html
  • 1 - Prototypal Inheritance
  • 2 - What is JavaScript.html
  • 3 - IDE and text editors.html
  • 4 - All objects have a Prototype
  • 5 - All objects have a prototype.html
  • 6 - There are different Prototype objects
  • 7 - Functions are special
  • 8 - Why objects and prototypes are so important.html
  • 9 - In JavaScript objects rule the roost
  • 10 - JavaScript is an object oriented programming language.html
  • 11 - Hypothetical project example
  • 12 - Use prototypes when creating objects with a similar type.html

  • 2 - The Prototype object
  • 2 - Prototype quiz.html
  • 13 - Section intro
  • 14 - Why understanding prototypes matter.html
  • 15 - All objects have a Prototype property
  • 16 - The Prototype is hidden
  • 17 - Why is the Prototype an internal property
  • 18 - Hidden Property vs Internal Property vs Internal Slot.html
  • 19 - Getting and setting prototypes.html
  • 20 - Almost everything in JavaScript inherits from the Object interface
  • 21 - Primitive data types have no direct prototype.html
  • 22 - Is null a primitive or object.html
  • 23 - Primitive values and object wrappers
  • 24 - Bottom line primitives are not objects but indirectly inherit from the Object.html
  • 25 - Creating an object primitive using a constructor
  • 26 - Primitives taking a step back
  • 27 - Creating a custom Prototype
  • 28 - Setting prototypes.html
  • 29 - Setting prototypes example
  • 30 - The prototype of an object literal will point to its constructors prototype
  • 31 - Developers jargon
  • 32 - Inherited methods
  • 33 - The prototype chain
  • 34 - A prototype chain example
  • 35 - The prototype will eventually point to null
  • 36 - A quick recap on Prototype.html
  • 37 - The prototype has limitations
  • 38 - Shadowing inherited properties and methods
  • 39 - Shadowing summary.html
  • 40 - The prototype does not affect the value of THIS
  • 41 - Looping through objects
  • 42 - Enumerable properties
  • 43 - Iterating methods
  • 44 - Warning dont change the prototype on the fly
  • 45 - Warning dont mess with inbuilt prototype objects
  • 46 - I am only talking about pure objects.html
  • 47 - Modifying the prototypes of builtin objects.html
  • 48 - Summary

  • 3 - Instantiation Patterns
  • 3 - Instantiation Patterns Quiz.html
  • 49 - Section intro
  • 50 - Object Literals
  • 51 - This section is crucial.html
  • 52 - Instantiation Patterns
  • 53 - Instantiation patterns youll be learning about in this section.html
  • 54 - Functional Instantiation
  • 55 - Shortcomings of functional instantiation
  • 56 - Functional Instantiation closing comments.html
  • 57 - Functional Shared Instantiation
  • 58 - Functional Shared instantiation closing comments.html
  • 59 - Prototypal Instantiation Introduction
  • 60 - Objectcreate
  • 61 - Prototypal Instantiation example
  • 62 - Prototypal Instantiation explained
  • 63 - Prototypal Instantiation closing comments.html
  • 64 - Pseudoclassical Instantiation intro
  • 65 - Pseudoclassical Instantiation example
  • 66 - Pseudoclassical Instantiation closing comments.html
  • 67 - Warning you cant add everything to the prototype
  • 68 - Combining inheritance and constructors
  • 69 - Arrow syntax cannot be used as a constructor
  • 70 - Arrow syntax has no binding of THIS.html
  • 71 - Class Instantiation
  • 72 - Class Instantiation closing comments.html
  • 73 - Code.html
  • 73 - instantiation-patterns.zip
  • 74 - BAM POW youve done it.html

  • 4 - Prototypes and Instantiation Patterns Test
  • 1 - Prototypes and Instantiation Patterns Test.html

  • 5 - proto aka dunder proto
  • 4 - proto quiz.html
  • 75 - Section intro
  • 76 - proto introduction
  • 77 - What is ECMAScript and how was proto introduced.html
  • 78 - Lets define our own proto getter and setter.html
  • 78 - dunder.zip
  • 79 - How to pronounce proto.html
  • 80 - Dunder proto is not an internal property
  • 81 - Tennis Analogy.html
  • 82 - proto is partly deprecated in Annex B
  • 83 - Modern alternatives to getting setting an objects prototype
  • 84 - When should you use setPrototypeOf.html
  • 85 - Take a step back
  • 86 - Problem 1 proto is easily configurable
  • 87 - Problem 2 proto is a special keyword
  • 88 - Setting an objects prototype to null
  • 89 - My overall thoughts on dunder proto.html
  • 90 - MDNs warning.html
  • 91 - Summary of proto
  • 92 - Hang the Dunder on the wall.html

  • 6 - The prototype property
  • 5 - Function prototype quiz.html
  • 93 - Only functions have a prototype property
  • 94 - Some functions do not have a prototype property
  • 95 - Why developers get confused with the word prototype
  • 96 - Prototype is not the same as the prototype.html
  • 97 - The prototype only matters for constructor functions
  • 98 - There are exceptions to the rule.html
  • 99 - A constructor function is defined by the Call and Construct properties.html
  • 100 - The prototype property is an object
  • 101 - The objects Prototype is assigned to the functions prototype
  • 102 - Almost all functions have both a Prototype and prototype property
  • 103 - Why is the Functions prototype property a function and not an object
  • 104 - Functions in JavaScript are also objects.html
  • 105 - There are multiple prototypes in the chain
  • 106 - What is the constructor property
  • 107 - A fun test
  • 108 - The prototype property can be overwritten
  • 109 - The entire prototype chain revealed
  • 110 - The Objectprototype rules the roost
  • 111 - Differences between Prototype and prototype
  • 112 - Prototype and prototype serve two different purposes.html
  • 113 - Summary of the prototype property
  • 114 - Functions have a prototype property.html

  • 7 - Practical Application building your own prototype chains
  • 115 - Course project overview
  • 116 - Using the new keyword to set up a prototype chain prior to 2011
  • 117 - 1.prior-2011.zip
  • 117 - Creating the prototypal chain using the new keyword
  • 118 - The problems with using the new keyword.html
  • 119 - 2.prior-2011.zip
  • 119 - Fixing the constructor reference problem
  • 120 - 3.after-2011-es5.zip
  • 120 - Using Objectcreate to set up a prototype chain after ES5 2011
  • 121 - Using Objectcreate is still not ideal.html
  • 122 - 4.post-2015-es6.zip
  • 122 - Using ObjectsetPrototypeOf to set up a prototype chain after ES6 2015
  • 123 - Using Classes to set up a prototype chain after ES6 2015
  • 124 - 5.post-2015-es6-class.zip
  • 124 - Using the extends keyword to build our classbased prototype chain
  • 125 - 6.post-2015-es6-3-levels.zip
  • 125 - Building a 3 level custom prototype chain using Constructor Functions
  • 126 - 7.post-2015-es6-class.zip
  • 126 - Building a 3 level custom prototype chain using Classes
  • 127 - Problems with our code duplication
  • 128 - Solution using the call method with constructor functions
  • 129 - 8.post-2015-es6-3-levels-call.zip
  • 129 - Completing 3 levels of prototype inheritance Constructor Functions
  • 130 - 9.post-2015-es6-class.zip
  • 130 - Completing 3 levels of prototype inheritance Class Syntax
  • 131 - Summary
  • 132 - Adding more levels and siblings.html
  • 133 - Youve beaten prototypes.html

  • 8 - Prototypal languages vs Classical languages
  • 6 - Prototypes vs Classes.html
  • 134 - What is an OOP language and how do classes and prototypes fit into the picture
  • 135 - How classbased languages and prototypebased languages deal with inheritance
  • 136 - Hello World example classes vs prototypes
  • 137 - Java Console vs JavaScript Console.html
  • 138 - Inheritance code with Java a classbased language
  • 139 - Testing code on JDoodle
  • 140 - Comparison between classes and prototypes
  • 141 - Section Summary
  • 142 - Use this knowledge.html

  • 9 - Prototypes vs Composition
  • 7 - Writing code prototypesinheritance vs composition.html
  • 143 - Intro into composition
  • 144 - Composition code converting our prototypalbased model to composition
  • 145 - Inheritance vs Composition summary.html
  • 146 - Summary when to use composition vs prototypes

  • 10 - Outro
  • 147 - Outro
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    ایمیل شما:
    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 37813
    حجم: 5421 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 537 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 21 خرداد 1403
    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

    54,900 تومان
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