2 - Prototype quiz.html
13 - Section intro
14 - Why understanding prototypes matter.html
15 - All objects have a Prototype property
16 - The Prototype is hidden
17 - Why is the Prototype an internal property
18 - Hidden Property vs Internal Property vs Internal Slot.html
19 - Getting and setting prototypes.html
20 - Almost everything in JavaScript inherits from the Object interface
21 - Primitive data types have no direct prototype.html
22 - Is null a primitive or object.html
23 - Primitive values and object wrappers
24 - Bottom line primitives are not objects but indirectly inherit from the Object.html
25 - Creating an object primitive using a constructor
26 - Primitives taking a step back
27 - Creating a custom Prototype
28 - Setting prototypes.html
29 - Setting prototypes example
30 - The prototype of an object literal will point to its constructors prototype
31 - Developers jargon
32 - Inherited methods
33 - The prototype chain
34 - A prototype chain example
35 - The prototype will eventually point to null
36 - A quick recap on Prototype.html
37 - The prototype has limitations
38 - Shadowing inherited properties and methods
39 - Shadowing summary.html
40 - The prototype does not affect the value of THIS
41 - Looping through objects
42 - Enumerable properties
43 - Iterating methods
44 - Warning dont change the prototype on the fly
45 - Warning dont mess with inbuilt prototype objects
46 - I am only talking about pure objects.html
47 - Modifying the prototypes of builtin objects.html
48 - Summary