وب سایت تخصصی شرکت فرین
دسته بندی دوره ها

Mastering Ansible Automation for Network Engineers

سرفصل های دوره

100% Hands-On Ansible Training with Beginner to Advanced Level Topics - Using Network Automation SSH, REST API Examples

1. Introduction
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Course Content Walkthrough

  • 2. Lab Setup
  • 1. Lab Setup Introduction
  • 2. Install Ubuntu in VMWare Workstation
  • 3. Install GNS3 VM in VMWare Player
  • 4. Install Cisco vIOS in GNS3 VM
  • 5. Enable Old SSH Key Algorith Support in Ubuntu
  • 6. Install VSCode
  • 7. Install WSL Linux
  • 8. Setup GitHub
  • 9. Install CSR1000v in GNS3 VM
  • 10. (Optional)Setup Solar Putty for SSH
  • 11. Official Software Download Links.html

  • 3. Ansible Introduction & Installation
  • 1. Ansible Introduction
  • 2. Ansible Installation
  • 3. Ansible Core vs Community
  • 4. Ansible Commands

  • 4. Ansible Configuration and Inventory Files
  • 1. Ansible Configuration Files
  • 2. Ansible Inventory
  • 3. Valid Variable Names in Ansible
  • 4.1 01 config.zip
  • 4.2 ansible.zip
  • 4.3 inventory.zip
  • 4. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 5. YAML Files, Ansible Playbooks and Ansible Lint
  • 1. YAML Files
  • 2. Playbooks
  • 3. Ansible Lint
  • 4.1 02 cisco test.zip
  • 4. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 6. SSH Key Based Authentication and Ansible Vault
  • 1. SSH Key based Authentication
  • 2. Ansible Vault - Encrypting Strings
  • 3. Ansible Vault - Encrypt Files
  • 4. Pass Vault ID from Config File
  • 5.1 03 ssh key auth.zip
  • 5.2 ansible.zip
  • 5.3 inventory.zip
  • 5. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 7. group vars and host vars
  • 1. group vars
  • 2. host vars
  • 3.1 04 grp hst vars demo.zip
  • 3.2 ansible.zip
  • 3.3 inventory.zip
  • 3. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 8. Cisco ios facts, ios commands Modules
  • 1. Cisco ios facts
  • 2. Ansible debug Module
  • 3. ios command wait for
  • 4. ios command prompt
  • 5.1 05 ios facts demo.zip
  • 5. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 9. Cisco ios config Module
  • 1. ios backup Options
  • 2. Config Diff Options
  • 3. Parent Commands
  • 4. Nested Parents
  • 5. Source file
  • 6. Save Option
  • 7. Before
  • 8. After
  • 9. Match
  • 10. Replace
  • 11.1 07 ios config demo.zip
  • 11. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 10. Cisco IOS Resource Modules
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. hostname
  • 3. interfaces
  • 4. l3 interfaces
  • 5. l2 interfaces
  • 6. ios user
  • 7. static routes
  • 8.1 08 ios resourse modules.zip
  • 8. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 11. CLI Parsers
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. PyATS parser
  • 3. NTC Templates parser
  • 4. textFSM parser
  • 5.1 09 cli parser utils.zip
  • 5. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 12. Ansible Vars and Facts
  • 1. Ansible facts
  • 2. Magic Variables
  • 3. hostvars
  • 4. play vars
  • 5. include vars
  • 6. set fact
  • 7. set fact vs vars
  • 8. Ansible Variable Precedence Explained
  • 9.1 10 ansible facts and vars.zip
  • 9. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 13. Ansible Filter Plugins
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. default
  • 3. ternary
  • 4. dict2items and items2dict
  • 5. to json and to yaml
  • 6. from json and from yaml
  • 7. zip
  • 8. combine
  • 9. map
  • 10. list operations
  • 11. json query
  • 12. ip address
  • 13. url
  • 14. string manipulation
  • 15. datetime
  • 16.1 11 ansible filters.zip
  • 16. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 14. RegEx Filters
  • 1. Search
  • 2. find all
  • 3. replace
  • 4.1 12 regex filters.zip
  • 4. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 15. Jinja2 Templates
  • 1. Jinja2 Templates
  • 2. ios config
  • 3. template for loop
  • 4. jinja2 include
  • 5. embed code
  • 6.1 13 jinja2 templates.zip
  • 6. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 16. Lookup Plugins
  • 1. File Lookup
  • 2. template Lookup
  • 3. Vars Lookup
  • 4. env Lookup
  • 5. Pipe Lookup
  • 6.1 14 lookup plugins.zip
  • 6. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 17. Loops & Conditionals
  • 1. Loops
  • 2. Until
  • 3. When Condition
  • 4.1 15 loops and conditionals.zip
  • 4. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 18. Play Options
  • 1. Strategies
  • 2. forks and Serials
  • 3. Debugger
  • 4. Order
  • 5. log path
  • 6. tags
  • 7. limit
  • 8. check mode
  • 9.1 16 ansible play options.zip
  • 9. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 19. Task Options
  • 1. delegate to
  • 2. run once
  • 3. ignore errors
  • 4. failed when
  • 5. changed when
  • 6. no log
  • 7.1 17 task options.zip
  • 7. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 20. Handlers, Block and Assert
  • 1. handlers and listen option
  • 2. block and rescue
  • 3. assert
  • 4.1 18 handlers,block,assert.zip
  • 4. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 21. Collections & Roles
  • 1. Collections
  • 2. Roles
  • 3.1 19 collections roles.zip
  • 3. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 22. Include vs Import
  • 1. include vs import Part1
  • 2. include vs import Part2
  • 3. include role vs import role
  • 4. import playbook
  • 5.1 20 include and import.zip
  • 5. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 23. Custom Modules using Python
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Create Local Python Script
  • 3. Create Custom Module
  • 4. Custom Module Exception Handling
  • 5. Pass hostvars data to Custom Modules
  • 6.1 21 custom module.zip
  • 6. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 24. REST API using Ansible
  • 1. YANG Suite introduction
  • 2. YANG Suite Add device
  • 3. RESTCONF Introduction
  • 4. REST API From Postman
  • 5. GET interfaces
  • 6. GET full config
  • 7. PUT hostname
  • 8. body format JSON
  • 9. POST ip domain name
  • 10. PATCH route table
  • 11. DELETE Loopback
  • 12. Save IOS Config using POST
  • 13.1 22 REST API.zip
  • 13. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 25. More Learnings - AWX Setup in Minikube
  • 1. awx installation in Minikube
  • 2. AWX Initial Setup
  • 3. create Custom Execution Environment
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    حجم: 12966 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 1205 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 19 خرداد 1403
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