1. Structure of database app
2. Design Database
3. Create new C# Project
4. Add TableAdapter and datatable
5. Deep diving TableAdapter & datatable
6. Add Students data entry form
7. Design the top buttons
8. Adding items to form
9. Loading data in datagridview
10. Bind the items to bindingsource
11. Customize datagridview
12. Enable and disable buttons
13. C# code for New,Edit & Delete buttons
14. Save button C# code
15. Cancel button C# code
16. Fix some bugs
17. Add photo column to sql db
18. Photo browse button
19. Search form design
20. Search data by id and grade
21. Search text columns in SQL
22. Search last name in C#
23. Search date columns in SQL
24. Search date column in C#
25. Load all data in C#
26. Main form design
27. Adding close button
28. Show other forms
29. Showing date and time
30. Change background image
31. Adding minimize button
32. Load selected background
33. Create user database in SQL
34. Design the user form
35. Coding the user form
36. Protect the codes via errors
37. Design the login form
38. Coding the login form
39. Saving login user in database
40. Design the settings form
41. Coding the settings form
42. Design the about us form
43. Adding shortcuts to main form
44. Run calculator from menu