1. create a new message and send it to the consumer and show it on the page
2. complete register page to add new users
3. complete login page
4. complete logout operation
5. let the user register or login to be able to enter home page
6. show the users on home page
7. how can i know the user that i am chatting from views side
8. create a model (database) to save messages between users
9. how can i know the user that i am chatting from consumers side
10. save the received and sent messages in the model (database)
11. how to send a message to another person and show it on the two pages
12. create a model (database) to save channels name of each user
13. send the messages between the users
14. show the old messages on the page of the users
15. how to order the messages by the date and the time
16. test the chatting area and chat many users at the same time
17. make the messages seen when the other person is inside the chat
18. how to change the messages to be seen all of the time
19. make the messages seen when the other person enters the chat from views
20. the last touch