1. Camera System
2. Points System
3. Fixing Enemy Disappearing Bug
4. Game Over Signal Setup
5. Game Over Screen
6. Restarting the Game
7. Resetting Global Variables
8. Highscore
9. Pausing Enemies
10. Pausing Enemy Spawner
11. Using Enums for States
12. Flashing Textures to Alert the Player
13. Shaking the Oxygen Bar
14. Flashing Oxygen Bar White
15. Sound Manager
16. Sounds go brrr
17. Adding the Ground Texture
18. Creating Object Piece Scene & Animation Player Stuff
19. Splitting Enemies & Player into Pieces
20. Point Value Popups
21. Moving Backwards while Shooting
22. Rotating to Player Movement
23. Prevent Collecting People with Full Crew
24. Kill All Enemies with Full Crew