1. Introduction
2. The final product The Recipe app
3.1 Add Firebase to your Flutter app.html
3. Setup Firebase with Flutter
4. How data is stored in a Cloud Firestore database
5. Fetch and display list of items from Cloud Firestore
6.1 More about the multidex issue.html
6. Fixing the issue of multidex
7. Create the recipe details page
8. Create the edit recipe page
9. Edit recipe form
10. Update data of a Firestore document
11. Add item to an array of a Firestore document
12. Delete an item from a Firestore array
13. Update items of a Firestore array
14. Add,Delete,Update items on instructions array
15. Pick, Capture a recipe image to upload
16. Upload image to Firebase storage
17. Delete a document(recipe) from the Cloud Firestore database
18. Add recipe to the Firestore database
19. Login with Google
20. Load the home page on successful authentication
21. Add the creators information to each recipe document
22. Add timestamp to the recipe documents
23. Parse timestamp to display time of recipe creation
24.1 Which database to choose Realtime database or Cloud Firestore.html
24. Conclusion