1. Introduction.html
2. The Evolution of Data Science Unveiling the Historical Journey and Contemporary.html
3. Mastering Advanced Data Science Essential Skills and Techniques.html
4. Real-World Data Science Case Studies and Transformative Insights.html
5. Exploring the Data-Driven World Challenges, Opportunities, and Future Growth in.html
6. Foundations of Data Science Essential Concepts and Techniques for Beginners.html
7.1 Commands to install the jupyter-notebook in the linux.txt
7. Install the Jupyter-notebook in the linux from Basics
8. install jupyter with python in linux with the help of pip command
9. Jupyter-notebook introduction how to use it, how to run it from basics
10. What is Variable in the python from Basics
11. Reflecting the Data Science Odyssey Milestones and Paradigm Shifts.html
12. Data Odyssey Unveiling Proficiency in Essential Skills & Techniques.html
13. Data Insights Unveiled Unraveling Real-World Challenges.html
14. Variable & Data Types Basic Operations with Integers, Floats, and Strings.html
15. Arithmetic Operations in Python.html
16. Python Data Structures and Syntax.html
17. Conditional Operations with If Statements.html
18. Master the art of iterating over lists, tuples, and dictionaries using both for and while loops..html
19. Mastering Conditional Expressions Ternary Operator.html
20. Function Mastery & File Manipulation Parameterized Operations, Return Values, and File IO.html