1. Intro & Setup - 466K
2. Foundations Cats - Rock the JVM - 1728x1080 307K
3. Foundations Cats Effect - Rock the JVM - 1728x1080 349K
4. Foundations Doobie - Rock the JVM - 1728x1080 358K
5. Foundations Http4s - Rock the JVM - 1728x1080 371K
6. Backend Scaffolding - 436K
7. Jobs Endpoints - 445K
8. Jobs Endpoints Implementation - Rock the JVM - 1728x1080 471K
9. Logging & Debugging Infra - 529K
10. Jobs Core Module, aka Algebra - 473K
11. Running Jobs Algebra - 452K
12. A Full Jobs CRUD App - 533K
13. Adding Database Configuration - 510K
14. Testing Jobs HTTP API - 562K
15. Testing Jobs - 492K
16. HTTP Payload Validation - 504K
17. Filtering and Pagination - 510K
18. Finishing Tests - 560K
19. Users with TDD - 454K
20. Designing the Auth API - 429K
21. Auth TDD-Style - 492K
22. Auth Implementation - 536K
23. Auth HTTP API - 454K
24. Auth HTTP, TDD-Style - 525K
25. Auth HTTP Implementation A Note - 555K
26. Auth HTTP Validation - 525K
27. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) - 589K
28. Integrating the Auth Stack - 543K
29. Taking the Backend for a Spin - 400K
30. Protecting Jobs HTTP Endpoints - 624K
31. A Quick Refactor - 617K
32. Password Recovery Tokens - 475K
33. Password Recovery Sending Emails - 490K
34. Password Recovery Finishing Up - 567K
35. Completing the Server - 549K
36. Inception Adding ScalaJS SBT PluginsCommon and Frontend ModulesPackage File for Frontend - 490K
37. Foundations Tyrian - 427K
38. Single-Page Application (SPA) Routing - 467K
39. Adding a Header with Links - 460K
40. Adding Pages - 468K
41. Signing Up - 526K
42. Signing Up Interacting with the Backend - 564K
43. Logging In - 552K
44. User Sessions - 545K
45. Session Cookies - 498K
46. Logging Out - 529K
47. Invalidating User Sessions - 554K
48. The Forgot Password Flow - 582K
49. Resetting Password - 524K
50. Profile Page - 578K
51. Posting Jobs - 605K
52. Uploading Files - 606K
53. Showing the Job List - 522K
54. Implementing Backend Filters - 542K
55. Adding a Filter Panel - 562K
56. The Filter Panel UI - 606K
57. Displaying Individual Jobs and Rendering Markdown - 545K
58. Header - 539K
59. Job Filter Panel - 700K
60. Job List Page - 576K
61. Job Page - 622K
62. Auth Pages - 589K
63. Post Job Page - 683K
64. Stripe Integration Overview - 519K
65. Stripe Endpoints - 593K
66. Stripe Webhooks - 650K
67. Full-Stack Integration - 632K
68. Preparing the App for the World Finishing Touches - 586K
70. Deployment, Part 2 Frontend - 520K
71. JWTs & Suboptimal Database Queries - 538K