1. 53 Singly Linked List Theory
2. 54 How to make the singly linked list
3. 55 Print and Length of the Singly Linked List
4. 56 Search element in the Singly Linked List
5. 57 Reverse a Singly Linked List
6. 58 Middle node in Singly Linkked List
7. 59 Insert at the beginning of the Singly Linked List
8. 60 Insert at the end of the Singly Linked List
9. 61 Insert at user specified location in Singly Linked List
10. 62 Delete at the beginning in Singly Linked List
11. 63 Delete at the end of the singly linked list
12. 64 Deletion at the user specified loation in Singly Linked List
13. 65 Doubly Linked List in Java
14. 66 How to make a doubly linked list in Java
15. 67 Print the Doubly Linked List in Java
16. 68 Find the length of Doubly Linked List in Java
17. 69 Insert at the beginning of Doubly linked list in Java
18. 70 Insert at the end of the Doubly Linked List in Java
19. 71 Insert at User specified location in doubly linked list in Java
20. 72 Delete at begninning of Doubly linked list in Java
21. 73 Delete at the end of Doubly linked list in Java
22. 74 Delete at User specified location in Doubly linked list in Java
23. 75 Introduction to Circular Linked List in Java
24. 76 Create a Circular Linked List in Java
25. 77 Print a Circular Linked List in Java
26. 78 Find Length of a Circular Linked List in Java
27. 79 Insert at the beginning of the circular linked list in Java
28. 80 Insert at the end of the circullar linked list in Java
29. 81 Insert at the user specified location of the circullar linked list in Java