1. Find the Basis for Row Space of Matrix
2. Find the Basis and Dimension of Row Space of Matrix.
3. Find the Basis and Dimension of Row Space of Matrix where, A is 3 by 3 Matrix.
4. Prove that R(A) = R(B) for two given matrices A & B.
5. Find the Basis for the Row Space of Matrix generated by the given Vectors.
6. Prove that two Vector Spaces generated by different Vectors are Equal.
7. Show that space V is equal to the Space W generated by different Vectors.
8. Assignment Based on Basis & Dimension provided with Answers.
9. In R, find the basis for xz-plane.
10. In R, find the Basis and Dimension for xy-plane.
11. In R, find the Basis and Dimension yz-plane.
12. Find the Basis and Dimension for z-axis.
13. Find the Basis and Dimension for (a,0,b) for all reals a & b.
14. Find the Basis & Dim for W having the vectors whose first component is 0.