001 Introduction to the Implementation Part
002 Demo of the final system
003 Environment Setup
004 Laying out the Project Structure
004 blockchain-demo-section-2-4.zip
005 Creating a Block
005 blockchain-demo-section-2-5.zip
006 Creating the UI to Generate the Wallet - Part 1
006 blockchain-demo-section-2-6.zip
007 Creating the UI to Generate the Wallet - Part 2
007 blockchain-demo-section-2-7.zip
008 Invoking the Generate New Wallet Resource from the UI
008 blockchain-demo-section-2-8.zip
009 Implementing the New Wallet Functionality
009 blockchain-demo-section-2-9.zip
010 Building the UI that Allows Users to Make Transactions
010 blockchain-demo-section-2-10.zip
011 Creating the Resource to Generate a Transaction
011 blockchain-demo-section-2-11.zip
012 Generating the Signature
012 blockchain-demo-section-2-12.zip
013 Creating the UI to Confirm the Transaction Details
013 blockchain-demo-section-2-13.zip
014 Receiving the Transaction by the Node
014 blockchain-demo-section-2-14.zip
015 Adding a New Transaction in the Node
015 blockchain-demo-section-2-15.zip
016 Signature Verification - Part 1
016 blockchain-demo-section-2-16.zip
017 Signature Verification - Part 2
017 blockchain-demo-section-2-17.zip
018 Building the UI to Interact with the Node
018 blockchain-demo-section-2-18.zip
019 Retrieving the List of Transactions from the Node
019 blockchain-demo-section-2-19.zip
020 Implementing the Mining Functionality
020 blockchain-demo-section-2-20.zip
021 Displaying the Mined Transactions
021 blockchain-demo-section-2-21.zip
022 Implementing the hash Method
022 blockchain-demo-section-2-22.zip
023 Implementing the Proof-of-Work
023 blockchain-demo-section-2-23.zip
024 Verifying the Blockchain
024 blockchain-demo-section-2-24.zip
025 Resolving the Conflict between Nodes
025 blockchain-demo-section-2-25.zip
026 Configuring the Network Nodes
026 blockchain-demo-section-2-26.zip
027 Building the UI to add Nodes to the Network
027 blockchain-demo-section-2-27.zip
028 Finishing off the UI
028 blockchain-demo-section-2-28.zip
029 Viewing the Transactions Available in the Node
029 blockchain-demo-section-2-29.zip
030 End-to-End Testing & Conclusion