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AZ-900 | Microsoft Azure Fundamentals 2023 Exam Training

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Preparatory Training for AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Certification 2023! UPDATED in October/2023

1. Introduction to AZ-900 Certification - Microsoft Azure Fundamentals
  • 1. About the Training - How to use it to study the AZ-900 Certification
  • 2. Preparing for the AZ-900 Certification Exam
  • 3. AZ-900 Exam Content Details - Microsoft Azure Fundamentals
  • 4. Azure Cloud and Most Used Services
  • 5.1 portal.zip
  • 5. Azure Portal
  • 6. [Hands-On] Create your Azure Cloud account
  • 7. [Hands-On] Azure Portal Overview
  • 8. Registration for AZ-900 - Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Exam
  • 9. AZ-900 Remote Exam Details - Microsoft Azure Fundamentals
  • 10. Microsoft Certifications Roadmap for Azure
  • 11. Important Links about AZ-900 - Microsoft Azure Fundamentals.html

  • 2. Module 1 - Describe cloud concepts 25-30
  • 1. Introduction to the Module Describe Cloud Concepts
  • 2. Basic Attributes of Cloud Computing
  • 3.1 cloudcomputing.zip
  • 3.2 cloudcomputing2.zip
  • 3. Benefits of Cloud Computing
  • 4.1 cloud-infrastructure-models.zip
  • 4. Cloud Infrastructure Models Public x Private x Hybrid
  • 5.1 cloud-service-models.zip
  • 5. Cloud Service Models - IaaS, PaaS and SaaS
  • 6. IaaS services on Azure
  • 7. PaaS services on Azure
  • 8.1 serverless.zip
  • 8. Serverless on Azure
  • 9.1 capexopex.zip
  • 9. CapEx and OpEx
  • 10.1 cloudcomputing.zip
  • 10. Consumption-based model
  • 11.1 highavailabilityscalabilitelasticityagility.zip
  • 11. High Availability, Scalability, Elasticity and Agility
  • 12.1 failoverdisasterrecovery.zip
  • 12. Failover and Disaster Recovery
  • 13.1 az-900-modulo1-cloudcomputing.zip
  • 13. Cards and Notes Cloud Concepts.html
  • 14. Module Summary Cloud Concepts.html

  • 3. Exam Simulation Module 1 -Describe cloud concepts 25-30
  • 1. Exam Simulation Module 1 -Describe Cloud Concepts.html
  • 2.1 az-900-modulo1-cloudcomputing.zip
  • 2. Poster Module 1 -Describe Cloud Concepts.html

  • 4. Module 2 - Describe Azure architecture and services 35-40
  • 1. Introduction to the Module Describe Azure architecture and services

  • 5. 2.1. Describe the core architectural components of Azure
  • 1. Introduction Describe the core architectural components of Azure
  • 2.1 az-availabilityzone.zip
  • 2.2 az-datacenter.zip
  • 2.3 az-regions.zip
  • 2. Datacenters, Regions, and Availability Zones in Azure
  • 3.1 az-regionpair.zip
  • 3.2 az-sovereignregions.zip
  • 3. Region Pairs and Sovereign Regions in Azure
  • 4.1 az-resourcegroup.zip
  • 4. Resource Groups in Azure
  • 5. [Hands-On] Create and delete Azure Resource Groups from the Portal
  • 6.1 az-subscriptions.zip
  • 6. Azure Subscriptions
  • 7. [Hands-On] Create new Subscriptions in Azure
  • 8.1 az-managementgroup.zip
  • 8. Azure Management Groups
  • 9. [Hands-On] Manage Subscriptions and their Hierarchies with Management Groups
  • 10.1 az-900-module2.zip
  • 10. Cards and Notes Describe the core architectural components of Azure.html
  • 11. Summary Describe the core architectural components of Azure.html

  • 6. 2.2. Describe Azure compute and networking services
  • 1. Introduction Describe Azure compute and networking services
  • 2.1 az-vm.zip
  • 2. Azure VM - Virtual Machines in Azure
  • 3. Operacional System and VM Name
  • 4. Configuring Networking on Azure VM
  • 5. Network Interfaces NIC in Azure Virtual Machines
  • 6. Public IP and Private IP addresses in Azure
  • 7. [Hands-On] Create Windows Server VMs in Azure through the Portal and access via
  • 8. Disks and Storage on Azure VM
  • 9. [Hands-On] Adding Disks to Azure VM
  • 10. [Hands-On] Create Ubuntu VM via Portal and Installing NGINX
  • 11.1 az-bastion.zip
  • 11. Azure Bastion - Accessing VMs Securely
  • 12. [Hands-On] Create a Windows Server VM and access it using Azure Bastion
  • 13.1 az-vmss.zip
  • 13. Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set VMSS
  • 14.1 availabilityset.zip
  • 14. Availability Set - Protect applications from outages and failures
  • 15.1 az-virtualdesktop.zip
  • 15. Azure Virtual Desktop
  • 16.1 az-appservice.zip
  • 16. Azure App Service - PaaS Web Server for Applications
  • 17.1 az-appserviceplan.zip
  • 17. Azure App Service Plan
  • 18. [Hands-On] Create Azure App Service in Azure Portal
  • 19. [Hands-On] Overview of App Service Features
  • 20. [Hands-On] Overview of App Service Plan Features
  • 21. [Hands-On] Publish Applications to Azure App Services
  • 22. Services for Containers on Azure
  • 23.1 az-containerinstance.zip
  • 23. Azure Container Instances ACI
  • 24.1 az-aks.zip
  • 24. Azure Kubernetes Service AKS - Container Orchestration on Azure
  • 25. Azure Kubernetes Services concepts
  • 26. [Hands-On] Provision AKS Cluster via the Azure Portal
  • 27. [Hands-On] AKS Overview in Azure Portal
  • 28. [Hands-On] Adding AKS Quickstart Application
  • 29. [Hands-On] Deploy YAML to AKS via Portal
  • 30.1 az-functions.zip
  • 30. Azure Functions - Serverless Functions in Azure
  • 31. Function Apps Components
  • 32. [Hands-On] Create Function App - HTTP Trigger via Portal
  • 33. [Hands-On] Adding Function App - Timer Trigger via Portal
  • 34.1 az-vnet.zip
  • 34. Azure Virtual Network and Subnets
  • 35. Planning Virtual Networks on Azure
  • 36. [Hands-On] Create Azure Virtual Network from the Azure Portal
  • 37. [Hands-On] Exploring Azure Virtual Network in Azure Portal
  • 38. Types of Connectivity in Azure
  • 39.1 az-vnet-peering.zip
  • 39. VNET Peering in Azure Virtual Networks
  • 40. [Hands-On] VNET Peering - Create Virtual Networks and Linux VMs
  • 41. [Hands-On] Establish Peering with VNETs in different regions
  • 42.1 az-dns.zip
  • 42. Azure DNS - Custom Domains managed by Azure
  • 43. [Hands-On] Integrating Custom Domain into Azure DNS
  • 44. [Hands-On] Create Azure VM and Bind IP to Domain Customizing in Azure DNS
  • 45.1 az-serviceendpoint.zip
  • 45. Azure Service Endpoint - Secure network access to PaaS services
  • 46. Virtual Private Network VPN
  • 47.1 az-vnetgateway.zip
  • 47. Azure Virtual Network Gateway
  • 48. VPN Point-to-Site on Azure
  • 49. VPN Site-to-Site on Azure
  • 50.1 az-expressroute.zip
  • 50. Azure ExpressRoute
  • 51.1 az-privateendpoint.zip
  • 51. Azure Private Endpoint
  • 52. Cards and Notes Describe Azure compute and networking services.html
  • 53. Summary Describe Azure compute and networking services.html

  • 7. 2.3. Describe Azure storage services
  • 1. Introdution Describe Azure storage services
  • 2.1 az-storageaccount.zip
  • 2. Azure Storage Account
  • 3. [Hands-On] Create Azure Storage Account in the portal
  • 4.1 az-blobstorage.zip
  • 4. Azure Blob Storage
  • 5. Redundancy in Azure Storage
  • 6.1 az-storageaccesstier.zip
  • 6. Hot, Cool and Archive Access Layers
  • 7. [Hands-On] Create Containers and upload files to Blob Storage
  • 8.1 az-filestorage.zip
  • 8. Azure File Storage
  • 9. [Hands-On] Consuming files from File Share in Windows 11
  • 10.1 az-queuestorage.zip
  • 10. Azure Queue Storage
  • 11. [Hands-On] Create Queues with Azure Queue Storage
  • 12.1 az-tablestorage.zip
  • 12. Azure Table Storage
  • 13. [Hands-On] Create Tables with Azure Table Storage
  • 14.1 az-storageexplorer.zip
  • 14.2 azcopy.zip
  • 14. Azure Storage Explorer and AzCopy
  • 15. [Hands-On] Exploring Blobs, Files, Queues and Tables with Azure Storage Explorer
  • 16. [Hands-On] Copying files to File Share and Blob Container using AzCopy
  • 17.1 az-filesync.zip
  • 17.2 az-migrate.zip
  • 17. Azure File Sync
  • 18. Azure Migrate
  • 19.1 az-databox.zip
  • 19. Azure Data Box
  • 20. Cards and Notes Describe Azure storage services.html
  • 21. Summary Describe Azure storage services.html

  • 8. 2.4. Describe Azure identity, access, and security
  • 1. Introdution Describe Azure identity, access, and security
  • 2.1 authentication.zip
  • 2.2 authorization.zip
  • 2. Authentication and Authorization in Azure
  • 3.1 microsoft-entra.zip
  • 3. Microsoft Entra formerly Azure Active Directory - AAD
  • 4. [Hands-On] Create Microsoft Entra Tenant, Groups and Users
  • 5.1 sso.zip
  • 5. SSO - Single Sign-On in Azure AD
  • 6.1 passwordless.zip
  • 6. Passwordless authentication
  • 7.1 az-adds.zip
  • 7. Azure Active Directory Domain Services Azure AD DS
  • 8.1 microsoft-entra-connect.zip
  • 8. Microsoft Entra Connect formerly as know Azure AD Connect
  • 9.1 condicional-access.zip
  • 9. Conditional Access in Azure AD
  • 10.1 entra-b2c.zip
  • 10. Microsoft Entra B2C Business-to-Consumer
  • 11.1 entra-b2b.zip
  • 11. Microsoft Entra B2B Business-to-Business
  • 12.1 rbac.zip
  • 12. Azure RBAC - Role Based Access Control
  • 13. [Hands-On] Add Contributor and Reader Permissions with Azure RBAC
  • 14.1 zerotrust.zip
  • 14. Zero Trust in Azure
  • 15.1 defense-in-depth.zip
  • 15. Defense-in-depth model on Azure
  • 16.1 microsoft-defenderforcloud.zip
  • 16. Microsoft Defender for Cloud
  • 17.1 azure-firewall.zip
  • 17. Azure Firewall
  • 18.1 az-ddosprotection.zip
  • 18. Azure DDoS Protection - Protection against Denial of Service Attacks
  • 19.1 mfa.zip
  • 19. Azure Multi-Factor Authentication MFA
  • 20.1 az-keyvault.zip
  • 20. Azure Key Vault - Vault for Secrets, Keys and Certificates
  • 21. [Hands-On] Create Secrets and Certificates in Azure Key Vault
  • 22. Cards and Notes Describe Azure identity, access, and security.html
  • 23. Summary Describe Azure identity, access, and security.html

  • 9. Exam Simulation Module 2 - Describe Azure architecture and services 35-40
  • 1.1 az-900-module2.zip
  • 1. Posters Module 2 - Describe Azure architecture and services.html
  • 2. Exam Simulation Module 2 - Describe Azure architecture and services.html

  • 10. Module 3 - Describe Azure management and governance 30-35
  • 1.1 az-900-module3.zip
  • 1. Introdution ao Module Describe Azure management and governance

  • 11. 3.1. Describe cost management in Azure
  • 1. Introduction Describe cost management in Azure
  • 2. Understanding Azure Costs Managing Cloud Expenses Effectively
  • 3.1 tags.zip
  • 3. Azure Resource Tags
  • 4. [Hands-On] Tagging Azure Resources and Resource Groups
  • 5.1 princingcalculator.zip
  • 5. Azure Pricing Calculator
  • 6.1 tco-calculator.zip
  • 6. Total Cost of Ownership TCO calculator
  • 7. Azure Cost Management
  • 8. [Hands-On] Azure Cost Management Overview
  • 9. Cards and Notes Describe cost management in Azure.html
  • 10. Summary Describe cost management in Azure.html

  • 12. 3.2. Describe features and tools in Azure for governance and compliance
  • 1. Introduction Describe features and tools for governance and compliance
  • 2.1 lock.zip
  • 2. Azure Lock - Securing Azure Resources
  • 3. [Hands-On] Protect Resources with Azure Lock
  • 4.1 az-policy.zip
  • 4. Azure Policy - Governance and Compliance
  • 5. [Hands-On] Add Policies applied to Tag usage in Azure Policy
  • 6.1 microsoft-purview.zip
  • 6. Microsoft Purview
  • 7.1 az-blueprints.zip
  • 7. Azure Blueprints
  • 8. Cards and Notes Describe features and tools for governance and compliance.html
  • 9. Summary Describe features and tools for governance and compliance.html

  • 13. 3.3. Describe features and tools for managing and deploying Azure resources
  • 1. Introduction Describe features and tools for managing and deploying resources
  • 2.1 iac.zip
  • 2. Infrastructure as Code - IaC
  • 3.1 az-cli.zip
  • 3. Azure CLI - Managing Services and Resources from Commands
  • 4.1 az-cloudshell.zip
  • 4. Azure Cloud Shell
  • 5.1 az-powershell.zip
  • 5. Azure Powershell - Provisioning and Managing Resources with Command Lines
  • 6.1 arm.zip
  • 6. Azure Resource Manager
  • 7.1 arm-template.zip
  • 7. Azure Resource Manager Template
  • 8.1 az-arc.zip
  • 8. Azure Arc Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Solution and Management
  • 9. Cards and Notes Describe features and tools for managing and deploying.html
  • 10. Summary Describe features and tools for managing and deploying resources.html

  • 14. 3.4. Describe monitoring tools in Azure
  • 1. Introduction Describe monitoring tools in Azure
  • 2.1 az-monitor.zip
  • 2. Azure Monitor
  • 3.1 az-app-insights.zip
  • 3. Azure Application Insights
  • 4.1 az-log-analytics.zip
  • 4. Azure Log Analytics
  • 5.1 az-advisor.zip
  • 5. Azure Advisor
  • 6.1 az-servicehealth.zip
  • 6. Azure Service Health
  • 7. Cards and Notes Describe monitoring tools in Azure.html
  • 8. Summary Describe monitoring tools in Azure.html

  • 15. Exam Simulation Module 3 - Describe Azure management and governance 30-35
  • 1. Exam Simulation Module 3 - Describe Azure management and governance.html
  • 2.1 az-900-module3.zip
  • 2. Poster Module 3 - Describe Azure management and governance.html

  • 16. AZ-900 Finalization Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Certification
  • 1. Next steps!.html
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