1. Introduction Describe Azure compute and networking services
2.1 az-vm.zip
2. Azure VM - Virtual Machines in Azure
3. Operacional System and VM Name
4. Configuring Networking on Azure VM
5. Network Interfaces NIC in Azure Virtual Machines
6. Public IP and Private IP addresses in Azure
7. [Hands-On] Create Windows Server VMs in Azure through the Portal and access via
8. Disks and Storage on Azure VM
9. [Hands-On] Adding Disks to Azure VM
10. [Hands-On] Create Ubuntu VM via Portal and Installing NGINX
11.1 az-bastion.zip
11. Azure Bastion - Accessing VMs Securely
12. [Hands-On] Create a Windows Server VM and access it using Azure Bastion
13.1 az-vmss.zip
13. Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set VMSS
14.1 availabilityset.zip
14. Availability Set - Protect applications from outages and failures
15.1 az-virtualdesktop.zip
15. Azure Virtual Desktop
16.1 az-appservice.zip
16. Azure App Service - PaaS Web Server for Applications
17.1 az-appserviceplan.zip
17. Azure App Service Plan
18. [Hands-On] Create Azure App Service in Azure Portal
19. [Hands-On] Overview of App Service Features
20. [Hands-On] Overview of App Service Plan Features
21. [Hands-On] Publish Applications to Azure App Services
22. Services for Containers on Azure
23.1 az-containerinstance.zip
23. Azure Container Instances ACI
24.1 az-aks.zip
24. Azure Kubernetes Service AKS - Container Orchestration on Azure
25. Azure Kubernetes Services concepts
26. [Hands-On] Provision AKS Cluster via the Azure Portal
27. [Hands-On] AKS Overview in Azure Portal
28. [Hands-On] Adding AKS Quickstart Application
29. [Hands-On] Deploy YAML to AKS via Portal
30.1 az-functions.zip
30. Azure Functions - Serverless Functions in Azure
31. Function Apps Components
32. [Hands-On] Create Function App - HTTP Trigger via Portal
33. [Hands-On] Adding Function App - Timer Trigger via Portal
34.1 az-vnet.zip
34. Azure Virtual Network and Subnets
35. Planning Virtual Networks on Azure
36. [Hands-On] Create Azure Virtual Network from the Azure Portal
37. [Hands-On] Exploring Azure Virtual Network in Azure Portal
38. Types of Connectivity in Azure
39.1 az-vnet-peering.zip
39. VNET Peering in Azure Virtual Networks
40. [Hands-On] VNET Peering - Create Virtual Networks and Linux VMs
41. [Hands-On] Establish Peering with VNETs in different regions
42.1 az-dns.zip
42. Azure DNS - Custom Domains managed by Azure
43. [Hands-On] Integrating Custom Domain into Azure DNS
44. [Hands-On] Create Azure VM and Bind IP to Domain Customizing in Azure DNS
45.1 az-serviceendpoint.zip
45. Azure Service Endpoint - Secure network access to PaaS services
46. Virtual Private Network VPN
47.1 az-vnetgateway.zip
47. Azure Virtual Network Gateway
48. VPN Point-to-Site on Azure
49. VPN Site-to-Site on Azure
50.1 az-expressroute.zip
50. Azure ExpressRoute
51.1 az-privateendpoint.zip
51. Azure Private Endpoint
52. Cards and Notes Describe Azure compute and networking services.html
53. Summary Describe Azure compute and networking services.html