1. Intro Email design fundamentals
2.1 A brief history of email dedicated to Ray Tomlinson.html
2.2 The History of Email.html
2. A brief history of email
3.1 HTML Email Basics.html
3.2 The Basics of Email Design.html
3. How to design a good email
4.1 Understanding Responsive and Hybrid Email Design.html
4.2 Wikipedia Responsive web design.html
4. What is responsive email design
5.1 Accessibility and Email Campaigns.html
5.2 Accessibility in Email Marketing.html
5.3 Color Tool Create colour palettes, as well as measure the accessibility level of any colour combination.html
5.4 Email Accessibility Best Practices.html
5. Accessibility
6.1 Create your first AMP Email.html
6.2 How To Send a Hidden Version of Your Email That Only Apple Watch Will See.html
6.3 Multipart email delivery.html
6. Multi-part email
7.1 Dark Mode for Email What it is and How to Cope.html
7.2 The Developers Guide to Dark Mode in Email.html
7.3 The Ultimate Guide to Dark Mode for Email Marketers.html
7. Dark Mode for email
8. Assignment Adapt an email for dark mode
9. Assignment Adapt an email for dark mode.html
10. Quiz.html
11. Recap Email design fundamentals