1.1 50001 Legal Matrix.xlsx
1.2 Energy study pepito school.xlsx
1.3 Manament review report.es.en.docx
1. Module 4. Part 1. EnPIs and management review. Chap 9.1 - 9.3
2. Module 4. Part 2. Introduction of auditing. ISO 19011. Chapter 9.2.
3.1 1.1 HSEQ-P3-F1 Audit Program.xlsx
3. Module 4. Part 2. Audit programme. ISO 19011. Chapter 9.2.
4.1 1.2 HSEQ-P3-F2 Audit Plan.xlsx
4.2 1.4 HSEQ-P3-F4 Audit Report.xlsx
4. Module 4. Part 2. Conducting an audit. ISO 19011. Chapter 9.2.
5.1 Roles of auditors.docx
5. Module 4. Part 2. Competence and evaluation of auditors. ISO 19011.
6.1 corrective action.xlsx
6. Module 4. Part 3. Improvement actions. Chapter 10.