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Kubernetes in NFV (TelcoCloud)

سرفصل های دوره

Learn Kubernetes along with the contexts of NFV & TelcoCloud

01 - Course Introduction & Trainers profile
  • 001 Course Introduction & Trainers profile

  • 02 - Social media channels
  • 001 Social media links.html

  • 03 - Journey of Software deployment
  • 001 Journey of software deployment

  • 04 - Evolution of Containers, Docker & Kubernetes
  • 001 The traditional shipping problem
  • 001 Udemy-course-Kubernetes-NFV-TelcoCloud.pdf
  • 002 The software shipping problem
  • 003 The solution by - Docker
  • 004 What is Kubernetes
  • 005 Kubernetes - Market share & benefits
  • 006 Evolution of Kubernetes
  • 007 Why Google open sourced K8s
  • 008 Kubenetes as a platform
  • 009 Types of Kubernetes distributions
  • 010 Few examples of K8s distributions

  • 05 - Kubernetes Architecture
  • 001 Difference between Containers & Pods
  • 002 Kubernetes architecture
  • 003 Kubernetes components

  • 06 - Launching a K8s cluster on GCP
  • 001 Setting up a GCP free trial account
  • 002 Launching a K8s cluster on GCP

  • 07 - K8s documentation & Yaml
  • 001 Kubernetes documentation & YAML basics

  • 08 - Basic Linux Practice
  • 001 Disclaimer.html
  • 002 Creating a VM for Linux practice
  • 003 Basic-Linux-Module.pdf
  • 003 Linux practice-basic commands
  • 004 Linux practice-decoding the ls -ltr output
  • 005 Linux practice-file permissions
  • 006 Linux practice-cd command
  • 007 Linux practice-cat,more,grep,free & df commands
  • 008 Linux practice-vim editor
  • 009 Linux practice-cut,copy,paste & delete in linux

  • 09 - Kubernetes objects
  • 001 Kubernetes objects
  • 002 Exploring the K8s cluster via google cloudshell
  • 003 Methods of creating a K8s object
  • 004 Container image registries & Docker hub
  • 005 Namespaces with practice
  • 005 Practice.txt

  • 10 - PODs
  • 001 Pods with practice
  • 001 pod.zip
  • 002 System pods in managed vs private K8s cluster
  • 003 Exploring the worker node & crictl command line
  • 004 Labels & Selectors with practice
  • 005 Deployments with practice
  • 005 deployment-nginx.zip
  • 006 Rolling upgrades of application via deployments
  • 007 Daemon sets with practice
  • 007 daemonset.zip
  • 008 Static pods with practice
  • 008 static-pod.zip

  • 11 - Kubernetes connectivity - Basic principles
  • 001 Kubernetes basic connectivity principles

  • 12 - Kubernetes Services
  • 001 K8s services
  • 002 ClusterIP service with practice
  • 002 svc-clusterip.zip
  • 003 LoadBalancer service with practice
  • 003 deployment-nginx-3.zip
  • 003 svc-loadbalancer.zip
  • 004 NodePort service with practice
  • 004 deployment-nginx-2.zip
  • 004 svc-nodeport.zip

  • 13 - Microservices Architecture
  • 001 Microservices architecture

  • 14 - Sample app deployment
  • 001 Sample application on K8s cluster
  • 002 Deep dive into the sample app
  • 003 Deploying the sample app
  • 003 sample-voting-app.zip

  • 15 - Helm
  • 001 Helm as a package manager
  • 002 Helm vs Normal Yaml manifests
  • 003 Deploying sample app using helm
  • 003 helmChart-sample-voting-app.zip
  • 004 Creating a helm chart

  • 16 - Telco Cloud Infrastructure
  • 001 Introduction to the Telco Cloud infrastructure
  • 002 Cloudification of the Core & the RAN components
  • 003 K8s on cloud vs K8s on baremetal
  • 004 Capacity planning of a Telco cloud

  • 17 - Why CNFs
  • 001 VNF Limitations
  • 002 Why CNFs are required
  • 003 Some stats about Containers & Kubernetes
  • 004 Virtual machines Vs Containers
  • 005 Resource comparison VNF vs CNF

  • 18 - OpenStack vs Kubernetes
  • 001 Notice.html
  • 002 OpenStack vs Kubernetes - Part 1
  • 003 OpenStack vs Kubernetes - Part 2
  • 004 OpenStack vs Kubernetes - Part 3

  • 19 - DevOps, CICD & Agile
  • 001 Intro to DevOps & Agile
  • 002 DevOps & CI-CD

  • 20 - Networking in Kubernetes
  • 001 Datacenter networking infrastructure
  • 002 Underlay & Overlay networks
  • 003 Container network interface (CNI)
  • 004 Pod Creation & IP allocation
  • 005 Identification of the interfaces
  • 006 Packet flow in inter pod communication
  • 007 Tracing the packet flow
  • 008 Pod to service communication
  • 009 Attaching multiple interfaces to a pod (Multus)
  • 010 Deploying Multus
  • 010 multus.zip
  • 010 netattch.zip

  • 21 - Multicontainer pods, Container logging & node interaction
  • 001 Multi-container pods with practice
  • 001 multi-container.zip
  • 002 Container logging
  • 003 Interacting with nodes

  • 22 - Monitoring
  • 001 Monitoring in GKE
  • 002 Monitoring with prometheus

  • 23 - Resource requests & limits
  • 001 Resource requests & limits
  • 001 memory-stress.zip
  • 002 Practice (Requests & limits)

  • 24 - Scheduling
  • 001 Manual Scheduling
  • 001 manual-schedule-deploy.zip
  • 002 Affinity & Anti-affinity rules
  • 003 Understanding the affinity YAML
  • 004 Practice (Affinity & Anti-affinity)
  • 004 node-pod-affinity.zip
  • 004 node-pod-antiaffinity.zip
  • 005 Taints & tolerations with practice
  • 005 deploy-without-toleration.zip
  • 005 deploy-with-toleration.zip

  • 25 - Kubernetes Storage
  • 001 Local volume provisioning
  • 002 Practice (Local volume mount)
  • 002 volume-local-mount.zip
  • 003 PV & PVC
  • 004 Linking between PV, PVC & Pods
  • 005 Practice (PV & PVC)
  • 005 deploy-task-pv.zip
  • 005 pv.zip
  • 005 pvc.zip
  • 006 PV & PVC parameters
  • 007 Dynamic volume provisioning
  • 008 Practice (Dynamic volumes)
  • 008 volume-dynamic.zip
  • 009 Storage best practices
  • 010 Stateless & Stateful applications
  • 011 Statefulsets
  • 012 Practice (Statefulsets) & comparison with Deployments
  • 012 statefulset.zip

  • 26 - Role based access control (RBAC)
  • 001 Role based access control (RBAC)
  • 001 clusterrole.zip
  • 001 cluster-role-binding.zip
  • 001 rolebinding.zip
  • 001 roles.zip

  • 27 - Config maps & secrets
  • 001 Config maps & secrets
  • 54,900 تومان
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    ایمیل شما:
    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 18782
    حجم: 4369 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 785 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 14 شهریور 1402
    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

    54,900 تومان
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