001 Starting on the AddEdit movie component
001 source.zip
002 Creating a select component
002 source.zip
003 Creating a checkbox component
003 source.zip
004 Using our input controls to create the edit movie form
004 source.zip
005 Continuing to work on the EditMovie component
005 source.zip
006 Getting a movie and Genres from the database
006 source-back-end.zip
007 Creating handlers to get movies for public and admin
007 source-back-end.zip
008 Displaying a movie to the public on the front end
008 source.zip
009 Getting started with showing genres on the AddEdit movie component
009 source-back-end.zip
010 Adding checkboxes for genres to the front end form
010 source.zip
011 Enabling checkbox clicks on the EditMovie component
011 source.zip
012 Validation I
012 source.zip
013 Validation II
013 source.zip
014 Creating a database method to insert a movie
014 source-back-end.zip
015 Creating a handler to insert a movie
015 source-back-end.zip
016 Getting a movie image from a remote API I
016 source-back-end.zip
017 Getting a movie image from a remote API II
017 source-back-end.zip
018 Handling genres when inserting a movie
018 source-back-end.zip
019 Inserting a movie from the front end
019 source.zip
020 Trying out adding a movie
020 source-back-end.zip
021 Editing an existing movie I
021 source.zip
022 Editing an existing movie II
022 source.zip
023 Editing an existing movie III
023 source-back-end.zip
024 Writing the handler to update a movie
024 source-back-end.zip
025 Trying out editing a movie from the front end
025 source.zip
025 source-back-end.zip
026 Getting started with deleting a movie
026 source.zip
027 Deleting a movie II
027 source-back-end.zip
028 Deleting a movie III
028 source-back-end.zip
029 Deleting a movie IV