1. 3.1 Introduction to photovoltaic technology
2. 3.2 PV system components solar panels, inverters, and batteries
3. 3.3 Types of PV systems grid-tied, off-grid, and hybrid systems
4. 3.4 Sizing and design considerations for PV systems
5. 3.5 Types of PV systems and their features and benefits.
6. 3.6 How solar cells convert sunlight into electric power.
7. 3.7 Explore how sunlight can be converted to usable power
8. 3.8 Label key points on an IV curve.
9. 3.9 Illustrate effect of series and parallel connections on IV curve.
10. 3.10 Measurement conditions for solar cells and modules. 169
11. 3.11 How to compute electrical output