وب سایت تخصصی شرکت فرین
دسته بندی دوره ها

Advanced CSS and Sass: Flexbox, Grid, Animations and More!

سرفصل های دوره

The most advanced and modern CSS course on the internet: master flexbox, CSS Grid, responsive design, and so much more.

01 - Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!
  • 001 Welcome to the Most Advanced CSS Course Ever!
  • 003 Setting up Our Tools

  • 02 - Natours Project Setup and First Steps (Part 1)
  • 001 Section Intro
  • 002 Project Overview
  • 003 Building the Header - Part 1
  • 004 Building the Header - Part 2
  • 005 Creating Cool CSS Animations
  • 006 Building a Complex Animated Button - Part 1
  • 007 Building a Complex Animated Button - Part 2
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  • 03 - How CSS Works A Look Behind the Scenes
  • 001 Section Intro
  • 002 Three Pillars of Writing Good HTML and CSS (Never Forget Them!)
  • 003 How CSS Works Behind the Scenes An Overview
  • 004 How CSS is Parsed, Part 1 The Cascade and Specificity
  • 005 Specificity in Practice
  • 006 How CSS is Parsed, Part 2 Value Processing
  • 007 How CSS is Parsed, Part 3 Inheritance
  • 008 Converting px to rem An Effective Workflow
  • 009 How CSS Renders a Website The Visual Formatting Model
  • 010 CSS Architecture, Components and BEM
  • 011 Implementing BEM in the Natours Project
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  • 04 - Introduction to Sass and NPM
  • 001 Section Intro
  • 002 What is Sass
  • 003 First Steps with Sass Variables and Nesting
  • 004 First Steps with Sass Mixins, Extends and Functions
  • 005 A Brief Introduction to the Command Line
  • 006 NPM Packages Lets Install Sass Locally
  • 007 NPM Scripts Lets Write and Compile Sass Locally
  • 008 The Easiest Way of Automatically Reloading a Page on File Changes

  • 05 - Natours Project Using Advanced CSS and Sass (Part 2)
  • 001 Section Intro
  • 002 Converting Our CSS Code to Sass Variables and Nesting
  • 003 Implementing the 7-1 CSS Architecture with Sass
  • 004 Review Responsive Design Principles and Layout Types
  • 005 Building a Custom Grid with Floats
  • 006 Building the About Section - Part 1
  • 007 Building the About Section - Part 2
  • 008 Building the About Section - Part 3
  • 009 Building the Features Section
  • 010 Building the Tours Section - Part 1
  • 011 Building the Tours Section - Part 2
  • 012 Building the Tours Section - Part 3
  • 013 Building the Stories Section - Part 1
  • 014 Building the Stories Section - Part 2
  • 015 Building the Stories Section - Part 3
  • 016 Building the Booking Section - Part 1
  • 017 Building the Booking Section - Part 2
  • 018 Building the Booking Section - Part 3
  • 019 Building the Footer
  • 020 Building the Navigation - Part 1
  • 021 Building the Navigation - Part 2
  • 022 Building the Navigation - Part 3
  • 023 Building a Pure CSS Popup - Part 1
  • 024 Building a Pure CSS Popup - Part 2

  • 06 - Natours Project Advanced Responsive Design (Part 3)
  • 001 Section Intro
  • 002 Mobile-First vs Desktop-First and Breakpoints
  • 003 Lets Use the Power of Sass Mixins to Write Media Queries
  • 004 Writing Media Queries - Base, Typography and Layout
  • 005 Writing Media Queries - Layout, About and Features Sections
  • 006 Writing Media Queries - Tours, Stories and Booking Sections
  • 007 An Overview of Responsive Images
  • 008 Responsive Images in HTML - Art Direction and Density Switching
  • 009 Responsive Images in HTML - Density and Resolution Switching
  • 010 Responsive Images in CSS
  • 011 Testing for Browser Support with @supports
  • 012 Setting up a Simple Build Process with NPM Scripts
  • 013 Wrapping up the Natours Project Final Considerations

  • 07 - Trillo Project Master Flexbox!
  • 001 Section Intro
  • 002 Why Flexbox An Overview of the Philosophy Behind Flexbox
  • 003 A Basic Intro to Flexbox The Flex Container
  • 004 A Basic Intro to Flexbox Flex Items
  • 005 A Basic Intro to Flexbox Adding More Flex Items
  • 006 Project Overview
  • 007 Defining Project Settings and Custom Properties
  • 008 Building the Overall Layout
  • 009 Building the Header - Part 1
  • 010 Building the Header - Part 2
  • 011 Building the Header - Part 3
  • 012 Building the Navigation - Part 1
  • 013 Building the Navigation - Part 2
  • 014 Building the Hotel Overview - Part 1
  • 015 Building the Hotel Overview - Part 2
  • 016 Building the Description Section - Part 1
  • 017 Building the Description Section - Part 2
  • 018 Building the User Reviews Section
  • 019 Building the CTA Section
  • 020 Writing Media Queries - Part 1
  • 021 Writing Media Queries - Part 2
  • 022 Wrapping up the Trillo Project Final Considerations
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  • 08 - A Quick Introduction to CSS Grid Layouts
  • 001 Section Intro
  • 002 Why CSS Grid A Whole New Mindset
  • 003 Quick Setup for This Section
  • 004 Creating Our First Grid
  • 005 Getting Familiar with the fr Unit
  • 006 Positioning Grid Items
  • 007 Spanning Grid Items
  • 008 Grid Challenge
  • 009 Grid Challenge A Basic Solution
  • 010 Naming Grid Lines
  • 011 Naming Grid Areas
  • 012 Implicit Grids vs. Explicit Grids
  • 013 Aligning Grid Items
  • 014 Aligning Tracks
  • 015 Using min-content, max-content and the minmax() function
  • 016 Responsive Layouts with auto-fit and auto-fill

  • 09 - Nexter Project Master CSS Grid Layouts!
  • 001 Project Overview and Setup
  • 002 Building the Overall Layout - Part 1
  • 003 Building the Overall Layout - Part 2
  • 004 Building the Features Section - Part 1
  • 005 Building the Features Section - Part 2
  • 006 Building the Story Section - Part 1
  • 007 Building the Story Section - Part 2
  • 008 Building the Homes Section - Part 1
  • 009 Building the Homes Section - Part 2
  • 010 Building the Gallery - Part 1
  • 011 Building the Gallery - Part 2
  • 012 Building the Footer
  • 013 Building the Sidebar
  • 014 Building the Header - Part 1
  • 015 Building the Header - Part 2
  • 016 Building the Realtors Section
  • 017 Writing Media Queries - Part 1
  • 018 Writing Media Queries - Part 2
  • 019 Browser Support for CSS Grid
  • 020 Wrapping up the Nexter Project Final Considerations
  • external-links.txt

  • 10 - Thats It, Everyone!
  • 001 See You Next Time, CSS Master!
  • 002 My Other Courses + Updates.html
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