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Unit Testing with Python 3

سرفصل های دوره

Unit testing is a great way to foster quality and enhance collaboration with other developers. Learn to write unit tests in good style using popular frameworks like unittest and pytest.

1. Course Overview
  • 01. Course Overview
  • 01. course overview.zip

  • 2. Unit Test Fundamentals
  • 01. What Is a Unit Test
  • 01. what is a unit test.zip
  • 02. First Example Unit Test
  • 02. first example unit test.zip
  • 03. Explanation of 'Test Case' and 'Test Runner'
  • 03. explanation of 'test case' and 'test runner'.zip
  • 04. Exception Checking with assertRaises & Explaination of 'Test Suite'
  • 04. exception checking with assertraises & explaination of 'test suite'.zip
  • 05. Skipping a Test Case & Explanation of 'Test Fixture'
  • 05. skipping a test case & explanation of 'test fixture'.zip
  • 06. Vocabulary Summary
  • 06. vocabulary summary.zip
  • 07. Example of Poor Unit Test Design
  • 07. example of poor unit test design.zip
  • 08. Better Design with Arrange-Act-Assert
  • 08. better design with arrange-act-assert.zip
  • 09. Detailed Design of Arrange-Act-Assert Test Parts
  • 09. detailed design of arrange-act-assert test parts.zip
  • 10. Module Summary
  • 10. module summary.zip

  • 3. Unit Testing Why and When
  • 01. Introducing the Module Topics - Why and When
  • 01. introducing the module topics - why and when.zip
  • 02. Unit Testing Helps You to Understand What to Build
  • 02. unit testing helps you to understand what to build.zip
  • 03. Unit Testing Helps You to Document the Units
  • 03. unit testing helps you to document the units.zip
  • 04. Unit Testing Helps You with Design
  • 04. unit testing helps you with design.zip
  • 05. Unit Testing Helps You Detect Regression
  • 05. unit testing helps you detect regression.zip
  • 06. Limitations of Unit Testing
  • 06. limitations of unit testing.zip
  • 07. Unit Testing Is Part of Your Job
  • 07. unit testing is part of your job.zip
  • 08. Test-Last Process
  • 08. test-last process.zip
  • 09. Test-First Process
  • 09. test-first process.zip
  • 10. Test-Driven Development
  • 10. test-driven development.zip
  • 11. Automated Build Servers and Continuous Integration
  • 11. automated build servers and continuous integration.zip
  • 12. Module Summary
  • 12. module summary.zip

  • 4. Unit Testing with pytest
  • 01. Introducing pytest - a Popular Alternative to unittest
  • 01. introducing pytest - a popular alternative to unittest.zip
  • 02. First Test Case and Failure Analysis
  • 02. first test case and failure analysis.zip
  • 03. Using PyCharm's Test Runner
  • 03. using pycharm's test runner.zip
  • 04. Additional Kinds of Assertion, Including assertRaises
  • 04. additional kinds of assertion, including assertraises.zip
  • 05. Introduction to Test Fixtures
  • 05. introduction to test fixtures.zip
  • 06. Cleaning up Fixture Resources, Chaining Fixtures
  • 06. cleaning up fixture resources, chaining fixtures.zip
  • 07. Organzing Test Code for Larger Programs
  • 07. organzing test code for larger programs.zip
  • 08. Using Markers to Control Which Tests Are Run
  • 08. using markers to control which tests are run.zip
  • 09. Using an HTML Report Plugin & Module Summary
  • 09. using an html report plugin & module summary.zip

  • 5. Testable Documentation with doctest
  • 01. Introducing doctest - Embed Unit Tests in Your Docstrings
  • 01. introducing doctest - embed unit tests in your docstrings.zip
  • 02. Introduction to Yatzy Example & a First doctest
  • 02. introduction to yatzy example & a first doctest.zip
  • 03. Using a Test Runner to Execute Your Doctests
  • 03. using a test runner to execute your doctests.zip
  • 04. Interpreting Test Failures and Updating Your Docstring
  • 04. interpreting test failures and updating your docstring.zip
  • 05. Handling Output That Varies Using a Wildcard
  • 05. handling output that varies using a wildcard.zip
  • 06. Handling Random Numbers, Dictionaries, Floats, and Tracebacks
  • 06. handling random numbers, dictionaries, floats, and tracebacks.zip
  • 07. Global Options and Directives
  • 07. global options and directives.zip
  • 08. Regression Testing Your Tutorial Documentation
  • 08. regression testing your tutorial documentation.zip
  • 09. Module Summary
  • 09. module summary.zip

  • 6. Using Test Doubles
  • 01. What Is a Test Double
  • 01. what is a test double.zip
  • 02. Example Using a Stub
  • 02. example using a stub.zip
  • 03. Creating a Stub Using unittest.Mock
  • 03. creating a stub using unittest.mock.zip
  • 04. Example Using a Fake
  • 04. example using a fake.zip
  • 05. Example Using a Dummy
  • 05. example using a dummy.zip
  • 06. Mocks and Spies Give You a Third Kind of Assertion
  • 06. mocks and spies give you a third kind of assertion.zip
  • 07. Example Using a Spy
  • 07. example using a spy.zip
  • 08. Example Using a Mock
  • 08. example using a mock.zip
  • 09. Overview of All the Types of Test Double
  • 09. overview of all the types of test double.zip
  • 10. Using Monkeypatching to Insert a Test Double
  • 10. using monkeypatching to insert a test double.zip
  • 11. Example Using Monkeypatching to Replace a Built-in Function
  • 11. example using monkeypatching to replace a built-in function.zip
  • 12. Module Summary
  • 12. module summary.zip

  • 7. Parameterized Tests & Test Coverage
  • 01. Module Introduction
  • 01. module introduction.zip
  • 02. Example Using Parameterized Tests with pytest
  • 02. example using parameterized tests with pytest.zip
  • 03. Example Using Parameterized Tests with unittest
  • 03. example using parameterized tests with unittest.zip
  • 04. Example Measuring Test Coverage
  • 04. example measuring test coverage.zip
  • 05. Example Measuring Branch Coverage
  • 05. example measuring branch coverage.zip
  • 06. Example Adding Parameterized Tests to Existing Code with Coverage
  • 06. example adding parameterized tests to existing code with coverage.zip
  • 07. Tracking Coverage Trends
  • 07. tracking coverage trends.zip
  • 08. Good Uses for Coverage, and Alternatives for Assessing Test Quality
  • 08. good uses for coverage, and alternatives for assessing test quality.zip
  • 09. Module Summary
  • 09. module summary.zip
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    ایمیل شما:
    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 6330
    حجم: 456 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 170 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 3 اسفند 1401
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