1. Introduction for the Physics Catapult Game
2.1 unity2dmasterclass_angrycatapult_assets.zip
2. Setting Up The Catapult Project
3. Adding SaveOnPlay and EditorDecorator Scripts
4. Finishing the TransformReset Script
5. The Catapult Prefab
6. The Cannonball Prefab
7. Adding Enemies as a Prefab
8. The Ball Manager
9. The Catapult Script
10. The Cannonball Script
11. Adding Force to the Cannonball
12. Resetting the Cannonball
13. Changing the Launch Trajectory
14. Intro to Tilemap Systems
15. Importing and Creating a Ground Rule Tile
16. Creating the Plank Prefabs
17. The Level Manager
18. The Plank Script
19. The Camera Movement System
20. The Score Manager
21. Creating the Enemy
22. Enemy Animation System
23. Enemy Animation Events
24. Beginning Level Camera Movement
25. The Dust Manager
26. Creating a Dust Prefab
27. In-Game UI Design
28. The UI Manager
29. The Pause Screen
30. Scripting the Pause Menu
31. The Game Manager
32. Victory and Defeat Screens
33. Camera Effects - Fade In Fade Out
34. Creating the Games Levels
35. The Main Menu
36. Adding Parallax to the Main Menu
37. Level Select Screen
38. Options Screen
39. The Main Menu Script
40. Scripting the Options Menu
41. Switching Between Level Select and Each Level
42. Object Physics Materials
43. Saving and Loading Scores
44. The Audio Manager System
45. Exporting Game for Standalone Releases