01. Introducing the Vagrantfile
02. Where Does the Vagrantfile Come From
03. Ruby for Syntax Highlighting in Vagrantfiles
04. git add Vagrantfile and Ignore the .vagrant Folder
05. vagrant init --minimal
06. Customizing Memory before Creating the VM
07. Altering an Existing VM with vagrant reload
08. Virtual Machine Settings Drift
09. Installing and Running NGINX Inside the VM
10. Port Forwarding to Access NGINX from the Host
11. Testing the New Port Forwarding Rule
12. Blocking Remote Access to a Forwarded Port
13. Adding ssh.exe via the OpenSSH.Client Windows Capability
14. Using ssh Instead of vagrant ssh
15. Fast, Simple SSH with vagrant ssh-config
16. Navigating Vagrants Config Docs
17. Catching Mistakes with vagrant validate
18. Silence the SSH Banner Message with .hushlogin
19. Backup VM Files via the vagrant Synced Folder
20. Recreating the VM with a Completely Different Box
21. Installing Vagrant Tab Completions for Zsh and Bash
22. Snippets and PowerShell Predictions