1. What is stateful streams application
2. State store & state store solution
3. Stateful transformation practical (Word Count)
4. Stateful transformation practical(Word Count) test and result verify
5. Understand the Kafka streams internal data redistribution and stateful transform
6. Enhancement XMall transaction reward point processor support total reward points
7. Stateful transform operations
8. KStream Joining operation introduction
9. KStream inner joining operation
10. KStream inner joining operation application startup & testing
11. Depth understand the joining operation and underlying change logs
12. KStream left joining operation
13. KStream outer joining operation
14. KStream grouping operation
15. KGroupedStream count aggregation operation practical(word count)
16. KGroupedStream reduce aggregation operation practical(word count)
17. Real-Time analysis the sales champion application by reduce aggregate operation
18. Develop the sales champion application by reduce aggregating operation and test
19. KGroupedStream aggregate operation for Real-Time compute sales stats reporter
20. Stateful KStream Queryable Storestore(KeyValueStore)-single instance
21. Stateful KStream Queryable Storestore(KeyValueStore)-multiple instance
22. Stateful process and ProcessorSupplier(Official documentation has bugs)
23. Kafka Stateful Streams Recap & Summarize