وب سایت تخصصی شرکت فرین
دسته بندی دوره ها

Reinforcement Learning with Pytorch

سرفصل های دوره

Learn to apply Reinforcement Learning and Artificial Intelligence algorithms using Python, Pytorch and OpenAI Gym

1 - Welcome to the course
  • 1 - Welcome
  • 2 - Before you start Videos quality.html
  • 3 - RLinPractice.zip
  • 3 - ReinforcementLearningWithPytorch.zip
  • 3 - Reinforcement-Learning-with-Pytorch.pdf
  • 3 - Resources.html

  • 2 - Introduction
  • 4 - Introduction 1
  • 5 - Introduction 2
  • 6 - Introduction 3
  • 7 - Introduction 4
  • 8 - Environment setup Installation
  • 9 - Lab OpenAI Gym 1
  • 10 - Lab OpenAI Gym 2
  • 11 - Lab OpenAI Gym 3
  • 12 - Lab OpenAI Gym 4

  • 3 - Tabular methods
  • 13 - Deterministic & Stochastic environments
  • 14 - Rewards
  • 15 - Bellman equation 1
  • 16 - Bellman equation 2
  • 17 - Resource code.html
  • 18 - Lab Algorithm for deterministic environments 1
  • 19 - Lab Algorithm for deterministic environments 2
  • 20 - Lab Algorithm for deterministic environments 3
  • 21 - Lab Algorithm for deterministic environments 4
  • 22 - Lab Test with stochastic environment
  • 23 - QLearning
  • 24 - Lab Algorithm for stochastic environments
  • 25 - Exploration vs Exploitation
  • 26 - Lab Egreedy
  • 27 - Lab Adaptive egreedy
  • 28 - Bonus Lab Value iteration
  • 29 - Homework
  • 30 - Homework Solution
  • 31 - Homework Tuning

  • 4 - Scaling up
  • 32 - Scaling up
  • 33 - Neural Networks review
  • 34 - Lab Neural Networks review 1
  • 35 - Lab Neural Networks review 2
  • 36 - Lab Random CartPole
  • 37 - Lab Epsilon egreedy revisited
  • 38 - Lab Pytorch updated version 040
  • 39 - Article Pytorch updated further versions.html
  • 40 - Lab OpenAI Gym Neural Network 1
  • 41 - Lab OpenAI Gym Neural Network 2
  • 42 - Lab OpenAI Gym Neural Network 3
  • 43 - Lab Extended logging

  • 5 - DQN
  • 44 - Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • 45 - Lab Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • 46 - Lab Tuning challenge
  • 47 - Experience Replay
  • 48 - Lab Experience Replay 1
  • 49 - Lab Experience Replay 2
  • 50 - Lab Experience Replay 3
  • 51 - DQN
  • 52 - Lab DQN

  • 6 - DQN Improvements
  • 53 - Double DQN
  • 54 - Lab Double DQN
  • 55 - Dueling DQN
  • 56 - Lab Dueling DQN
  • 57 - Lab Dueling DQN Challenge

  • 7 - DQN with video output
  • 58 - CNN Review
  • 59 - Lab Random Pong
  • 60 - Saving & Loading the Model
  • 61 - Lab Pong from video output 1
  • 62 - Lab Pong from video output 2
  • 63 - Lab Pong from video output 3
  • 64 - Lab Pong from video output 4
  • 65 - Lab Pong from video output 5
  • 66 - Lab Pong from video output 6
  • 67 - Potential improvements
  • 68 - Article Stacking 4 images together.html

  • 8 - Final notes
  • 69 - Whats next
  • 67,300 تومان
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    ایمیل شما:
    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 412
    حجم: 8766 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 431 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 22 دی 1401
    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

    67,300 تومان
    افزودن به سبد خرید