1. App presentation
2. General setup and folder structure (HTML, CSS, JS)
3. Create the HTML markup for .app-container, .header and .inputs-container
4. 08-04-Create `main.css`, `variables.css` and the `app-container.css`
5. Create and styles the `btn.css` components
6. Style the `header-container.css` and `inputs-container.css`
7. Create the HTML markup for the budget list
8. Create and style `budget-list-header.css` and `budget-list-container.css`
9. Get DOM elements and create global variables
10. Manage the ADD button click event
11. Calculate total the budget
12. Calculate the total per category
13. Create and Style the Alert components
14. Update the budget list and add to category
15. Remove elements form the budget list
16. Edit elements from the budget list
17. Save and load data from local storage
18. Clear budget list when requested