1. Introduction to this section
2.1 figma resources - section 1.zip
2. Download the resources.html
3. Exploring the brief
4. Analyze the apps competitors Part 1
5. Analyze the apps competitors Part 2
6. Create the layout for the first screen
7. Set up the foundation for the home screen
8. Sketch out the restaurant details screen
9. How to make great design choices
10. Design concepts for the location screen (1)
11. Design concepts for the restaurant listing (2)
12. Set up the status bar and the action bar
13. Restaurant listing alternatives (2)
14. More variations for the card
15. Final restaurant listing variations (2)
16. Creating options for the action bar
17. Design concepts for the restaurant details (3) screen
18. Variation for the restaurant details
19. Choosing the best typeface
20. Define and refine our apps look with styles
21. Practice your speed
22. Finish the first screen
23. A new style of button to have a great flow
24. Section overview