1. App presentation
2.1 Git branch.html
2. Set up a React Typescript project with Vite
3. The trivia API explained
4.1 Git branch.html
4. Setup Chakra UI to quickly layout the app
5.1 bubble.zip
5.2 Git branch.html
5.3 logo.zip
5. Layout
6.1 Git branch.html
6.2 Slider doc.html
6. Slider
7.1 Git branch.html
7. Save qty and go to next step
8.1 Git branch.html
8. Fetching the categories
9.1 Git branch.html
9. Displaying categories
10.1 Git branch.html
10. Handle mixed categories
11.1 Git branch.html
11. Set quiz difficulty
12.1 Git branch.html
12. Loading quiz questions
13.1 Git branch.html
13. Displaying questions and answers
14.1 Git branch.html
14.2 Lottie file.html
14.3 Lottie React.html
14. Lottie animations
15.1 Git branch.html
15. Shuffling questions and coloring answers
16.1 Git branch.html
16. Progress bar
17.1 Chakra Circular Progress.html
17.2 Git branch.html
17. Timer
18. Score
19.1 Chakra Spinner.html
19.2 Git branch.html
19. Fixing the categories loading