1. What We'll Be Doing
2. What We'll Need
3.1 endpoints spottyfly all.zip
3.2 erd for spottyfly.zip
3.3 favicon.zip
3.4 frontend.zip
3.5 listening-music-headphone.zip
3.6 logo192.zip
3.7 logo512.zip
3.8 spottyfly_transparent_cropped.zip
3. Helpful diagrams and images for the finale.html
4.1 app.zip
4.2 index.zip
4.3 navbar.zip
4.4 playlists.zip
4. The css for the finale.html
5. Starting Out
6. The Preliminary User Interface
7. The User Forms
8. Behind the Admin Curtain
9. Why We Use Cloudinary
10. Interacting With Cloudinary
11. Making The Models
12. Testing The Song CRUD
13. The Song CRUD Backend
14. Testing The Artist CRUD
15. The Artist CRUD Backend
16. Updating The Redux
17. Adding The Admin Interface for SongsArtists
18. Testing The Playlist CRUD
19. Testing User Music
20. User Music Backend
21. User's Redux
22. User Music Frontend