1. Introduction
2. Setting up environment for writting C
4. Basic Structure of a C Program
5. Hello World Program
6. Details hash include (#include)
7. How a C Program Execute
8. Datatypes and variables
9. Naming convention of a variable
10. Printing value of a variable
11. Datatypes with examples
12. Precision
13. Constants
14. How computer store character
15. How computer store integer
16. Introduction to ieee-754
17. How computer store floating point number
18. How computer store double number
19. Signed and Unsigned Integer
20. Different types of operator in C
21. Assignment operator
22. Arithmetic operator
23. Aside #include
24. Getting input from user
25. Aside New Line Metacharacter (n)
26. Logical Operator
27. Short Circuit
28. Relational Operator
29. Precedence & Associativity
30. Integer Division & Fractional Division
31. If Else Satement
32. Nested if else statement
33. Checking a number even or odd using if else statement
34. Switch Statement
35. Checking a number even or odd using switch statement
36. Find maximum of two integers
37. Find maximum of three integers
38. Find second largest of three integers
39. What is ternary operator
40. Find max of three integers using ternary operator
41. Find second largest using ternary operator
42. Introduction to loop
43. for loop
44. while loop
45. do while loop
46. break and continue statement
47. Infinite loop
48. Nested Loop
49. Keep asking for a positive input
50. Sum of first n numbers
51. Sum of even numbers upto n
52. Sum of odd numbers upto n
53. Factorial of a number
54. GCD of a two numbers
55. Prime number test
56. Reverse an integer
57. Palindrome number
58. Print a triangle
59. Introduction to function
60. Parameter & Argument
61. Why int main() return 0
62. Local Variable and Global Variable
63. 3 Place to declare functions
64. Implementation of square() function
65. Implementation of factorial() function
66. Implemetnation of pow(x, n) function
67. Implementation of reverse(int) function
68. Implementation of countDigits(int) function
69. Implementation of isPalindrome(int) function
70. Implementation isPrimeNumber() function
71. Array in C
72. Two dimentional array (2D Array)
73. How to find the size of an array (sizeof() operator)
74. Linear Search
75. Binary Search
76. Find min number in an array
77. Find max number in an array
78. Print 2D array
79. String in C
80. String functions
81. puts() & gets()
82. String literal & Character literal
83. Bitwise Operator in C
84. Bit Masking
85. Check even odd number using bitwise operator
86. Pointer in C
87. Call by value & call by reference
88. Void Pointers
89. Null Pointers
90. strlen() impelementation
91. strcat() implementation
92. strcpy() implementation
93. strcmp() implementation
94. strncmp() implementation
95. What is Struct
96. Code Struct Example 1