وب سایت تخصصی شرکت فرین
دسته بندی دوره ها

TestNG made easy for beginners (Detailed course)

سرفصل های دوره

All concepts of TestNG are covered in a detailed and step by step manner

  • 1 - 1 What is TestNG TestNG Part 1
  • 2 - 2 Installing TestNG and using in Projects TestNG Part 2
  • 3 - 3 Autogenerating TestNG Classes with a Test Method in Eclipse IDE TestNG Pa
  • 4 - 4 Using TestNG Testing Framework for Selenium Automation TestNG Part 4
  • 5 - 5 Using TestNG Testing Framework with Rest Assured Framework for Automating API
  • 6 - 6 Using priority attribute TestNG Part 6
  • 7 - 7 Using testng xml file for batch execution TestNG Part 7
  • 8 - 8 Assertions in TestNG Test8 Assertions in TestNG TestNG Part NG Part 8
  • 9 - 9 Hard Assertions versus Soft Assertions TestNG Part 9
  • 10 - 10 TestNG Annotations TestNG Part 10
  • 11 - 11 Parameters in TestNG TestNG Part 11
  • 12 - 12 Optional Parameters in TestNG TestNG Part 12
  • 13 - 13 Enable Disable Test Cases using enabled attribute in testng xml file TestNG
  • 14 - 14 Enable Disable Test Methods using enabled attribute and Ignore annotation
  • 15 - 15 Enable Disable Test Methods at Classs level using Ignore annotation TestNG
  • 16 - 16 Enable Disable Test Methods at Package level using Ignore annotation TestN
  • 17 - 17 Grouping Tests in TestNG using multiple testng xml files TestNG Part 17
  • 18 - 18 Grouping Tests in TestNG using groups attribute TestNG Part 18
  • 19 - 19 Meta Groups in TestNG TestNG Part 19
  • 20 - 20 Partial Groups in TestNG TestNG Part 20
  • 21 - 21 Sub Category Groups in TestNG and using regular expressions TestNG Part 2
  • 22 - 22 Test Dependency in TestNG using dependsOnMethods attribute TestNG Part 22
  • 23 - 23 alwaysRun attribute TestNG Part 23
  • 24 - 24 ignoreMissingDependencies attribute TestNG Part 24
  • 25 - 25 dependsOnGroups attribute TestNG Part 25
  • 26 - 26 Groups Depending on Groups using dependencies tag and dependson attribute
  • 27 - 27 Executing Tests at Package Level TestNG Part 27
  • 28 - 28 TestNG Parameterization Data Driven Testing DataProvider annotation and d
  • 29 - 29 Naming DataProvider method using name attribute TestNG Part 29
  • 30 - 30 Parameterizing Test method with Array parameter TestNG Part 30
  • 31 - 31 Separating DataProvider method into a separate Class using dataProviderClass
  • 32 - 32 Multiple DataProvider methods TestNG Part 32
  • 33 - 33 Multiple DataProvider methods in multiple classes TestNG Part 33
  • 34 - 34 Why we have to use Object array to return data TestNG Part 34
  • 35 - 35 Different return types of DataProvider TestNG Part 35
  • 36 - 36 Jagged Arrays and DataProviders TestNG Part 36
  • 37 - 37 Partially passing the data from Data Provider method using indices attribute
  • 38 - 38 Reading Data from Excel files using POI API TestNG Part 38
  • 39 - 39 Reading Data from Excel files into DataProvider method using POI API TestNG
  • 40 - 40 Executing tests in parallel by specifying parallel attribute in DataProvider
  • 41 - 41 Controlling parallel tests thread count invoked by DataProvider using datap
  • 42 - 42 timeOut attribute TestNG Part 42
  • 43 - 43 expectedExceptions attribute TestNG Part 43
  • 44 - 44 Parallel Execution of Tests in TestNG using parallel and threadcount attrib
  • 45 - 45 paralleltests in TestNG Parallel execution TestNG Part 45
  • 46 - 46 paralleltests can only be mentioned at suite tag level and not at test tag
  • 47 - 47 parallelclasses in TestNG Parallel Execution TestNG Part 47
  • 48 - 48 parallelmethods in TestNG Parallel Execution TestNG Part 48
  • 49 - 49 Multiple test tags but only few test tags enabled for parallel execution T
  • 50 - 50 parallelnone in TestNG Parallel Execution TestNG Part 50
  • 51 - 51 parallelfalse in TestNG Parallel Execution TestNG Part 51
  • 52 - 52 paralleltests but threadcount1 TestNG Part 52
  • 53 - 53 Can we provide threadcount as negative value for Parallel Execution TestNG
  • 54 - 54 More threads and less number of tests TestNG Part 54
  • 55 - 55 parallelclasses or parallelmethods specified at suite tag level TestNG
  • 56 - 56 Default threadcount when parallel attribute is only mentioned TestNG Par
  • 57 - 57 invocationCount attribute TestNG Part 57
  • 58 - 58 invocationTimeOut attribute TestNG Part 58
  • 59 - 59 threadPoolSize attribute TestNG Part 59
  • 60 - 60 What are Listeners TestNG Part 60
  • 61 - 61 List of different Listeners available in TestNG Library TestNG Part 61
  • 62 - 62 Using ITestListner Listener TestNG Part 62
  • 63 - 63 Implementing Listeners at Class Level Listeners annotation TestNG Part 6
  • 64 - 64 Implementing Listeners at Suite Level in testng xml file TestNG Part 64
  • 65 - 65 onStart and onFinish ITestListener methods TestNG Part 65
  • 66 - 66 Difference between listeners and annotations TestNG Part 66
  • 67 - 67 Using TestListnerAdapter class in place of ITestListener interface TestNG
  • 68 - 68 Taking screenshots for Failed Tests using Listeners TestNG Part 68
  • 69 - 69 Avoiding Screenshot Overriding TestNG Part 69
  • 70 - 70 Retrieving Test Tag name along with Test Name TestNG Part 70
  • 71 - 71 Taking screenshots for Failed Tests using Dependency Injection TestNG Par
  • 72 - 72 Default TestNG Reports and their real time usage TestNG Part 72
  • 73 - 73 Uninstalling TestNG from Eclipse IDE TestNG Part 73
  • 74 - 74 TestNG Retry using IRetryAnalyzer and IAnnotationTransformer TestNG Part
  • 75 - 75 TestNG verbose attribute testng xml file TestNG Part 75
  • 95,700 تومان
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    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 7597
    حجم: 71080 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 1098 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 13 اسفند 1401
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