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Terraform on AWS with SRE & IaC DevOps | Real-World 20 Demos

سرفصل های دوره

Terraform on AWS EC2, VPC, ALB, CLB, NLB, Autoscaling, Route53, ACM, CloudWatch, SNS, CodePipeline, CodeBuild, S3,

01 - Introduction
  • 001 Introduction
  • 002 Course GitHub Repository Links.html

  • 02 - Terraform Basics
  • 001 Step-00 Pre-requisite Note about this module.html
  • 002 Step-01 MacOS Install Terraform
  • 003 Connect With Me !!!.html
  • 004 Step-02 Install VSCode Editor, VS Code Terraform Plugin and AWS CLI
  • 005 Step-03 Configure AWS CLI
  • 006 Step-04 Windows Install Terraform & AWS CLI on Windows
  • 007 Step-05 Linux Install Terraform Windows
  • 008 Step-06 Introduction to Terraform Workflow using Terraform Commands
  • 009 Step-07 Update Terraform manifest with AMI ID and Region
  • 010 Step-08 Execute Terraform core commands
  • 011 Step-09 Terraform Configuration Syntax
  • 012 Step-10 Terraform Arguments, Meta-Arguments and Attributes
  • 013 Step-11 Understand about Terraform Top Level Blocks
  • 014 Step-12 Terraform Top Level Blocks Example

  • 03 - Terraform Settings, Providers and Resources
  • 001 Step-01 Introduction to Terraform Settings, Providers and Resources
  • 002 Step-02 Terraform Settings Block Introduction
  • 003 Step-03 Part-1 Understand and Implement Terraform Provider Block
  • 004 Step-04 Part-2 Implement Provider Block
  • 005 Step-05 Part-1 Create EC2 Instance Resource in Terraform
  • 006 Step-06 Part-2 Create EC2 Instance Resource in Terraform
  • 007 Step-07 Terraform State Basics
  • 008 Step-08 Clean-Up

  • 04 - Terraform Input Variables, Datasources and Output Values
  • 001 Step-01 Introduction to Variables Section
  • 002 Step-02 Input Variables Introduction
  • 003 Step-03 Implement Input Variables
  • 004 Step-04 Create Security Group Resources
  • 005 Step-05 Create AMI Datasource Resource
  • 006 Step-06 Create EC2 Instance Resource
  • 007 Step-07 Create Output Values
  • 008 Step-08 Execute Terraform Commands and Clean-Up

  • 05 - Terraform Loops, MetaArguments, Splat Operator and Functions
  • 001 Step-01 Implement Variable Lists, Maps and also Meta-Argument Count
  • 002 Step-02 Implement Outputs with For Loops and Splat Operators
  • 003 Step-03 Execute Terraform Commands, Test and learn about Terraform Comments
  • 004 Step-04 Implement AZ Datasource and for each Meta-Argument
  • 005 Step-05 Implement Outputs with toset, tomap functions and create and destroy
  • 006 Step-06 Implement Utility Project Base Version
  • 007 Step-07 Implement Utility Project Semi Dynamic Version
  • 008 Step-08 Implement Utility Project Full Dynamic Version with filtered output
  • 009 Step-09 Implement fix for az to instance type check and test

  • 06 - AWS VPC 3-Tier Architecture Design using Terraform
  • 001 Step-01 Introduction to VPC using Terraform
  • 002 Step-02 Build VPC Manually using AWS Management Console
  • 003 Step-03 Introduction to Terraform Modules
  • 004 Step-04 Create Basic VPC Module
  • 005 Step-05 Test Basic VPC Module by executing Terraform Commands
  • 006 Step-06 Provider and Modules Version Constraints
  • 007 Step-07 Standardize TF Code - Generic Variables and terraform.tfvars
  • 008 Step-08 Understand and Implement Local Blocks
  • 009 Step-09 VPC Module - Define Variables, Reference Variables in Module and Define

  • 07 - AWS EC2 Instances and Security Groups with Terraform
  • 001 Step-01 Introduction to creating AWS EC2 Instances and Security Groups using Te
  • 002 Step-02 Review VPC and other TF Config Files from previous section
  • 003 Step-03 Create Public Bastion Security Group using TF Modules
  • 004 Step-04 Create Private Security Group and Outputs for both SG s
  • 005 Step-05 Create EC2 Instance Variables and Public Bastion Instance using Terraf
  • 006 Step-06 Create Private EC2 Instance Module
  • 007 Step-07 Create EC2 Instance Outputs and Elastic IP for Bastion Host
  • 008 Step-08 Create Null Resource and Connection Block
  • 009 Step-09 Create File, Remote-Exec, Local-Exec Provisioners
  • 010 Step-10 Understand depends on Meta-Argument in a practical approach
  • 011 Step-11 Execute Terraform Commands to create EC2 Instances, VPC, Security Group
  • 012 Step-12 Verify EC2, VPC, SG and Connect with SSH and test and finally destroy r

  • 08 - AWS Classic Load Balancer with Terraform
  • 001 Step-01 Introduction to AWS Classic Load Balancer with Terraform
  • 002 Step-02 Create Classic Load Balancer Terraform Module Configuration
  • 003 Step-03 Create CLB Outputs, Execute TF Commands and Test
  • 004 Step-04 Added new SG Rule 81, terraform apply and test

  • 09 - AWS Application Load Balancer Basics with Terraform
  • 001 Step-01 Introduction to AWS Application Load Balancer Basics with Terraform
  • 002 Step-02 Create ALB manually using AWS Mgmt Console
  • 003 Step-03 Create ALB Terraform Module Part-1
  • 004 Step-04 Create ALB Terraform Module Part-2
  • 005 Step-05 Create Outputs, Execute TF Commands, Verify and Clean-Up

  • 10 - AWS ALB Context Path Based Routing using Terraform
  • 001 Step-01 Introduction to AWS ALB Context Path Based Routing
  • 002 Step-02 Pre-requisite Understand about Custom Domain Registration
  • 003 Step-03 Review Terraform Manifests Folder Strcuture, Update Load Balancer SG an
  • 004 Step-04 Review EC2 TF Manifests and Create ACM Module
  • 005 Step-05 Create ALB TG1 and TG2, HTTPS Redirect, Fixed Response related changes
  • 006 Step-06 Create ALB HTTPS Listener Rules for App1 and App2
  • 007 Step-07 Create AWS Route53 Record TF Config
  • 008 Step-08 Execute Terraform Commands and Verify

  • 11 - AWS ALB Host Header Based Routing using Terraform
  • 001 Step-01 Introduction to AWS ALB Host Header based Routing
  • 002 Step-02 AWS Certificate Manager Limit Hit - Request to Increase it
  • 003 Step-03 Review Terraform manifests for Host Header Routing
  • 004 Step-04 Execute Terraform Commands, Verify and Clean-Up

  • 12 - AWS ALB Query String, Host Header Redirects and Custom Header Routing
  • 001 Step-01 Introduction to ALB Multiple Listener Rules
  • 002 Step-02 Review Terraform Manifests for 4 Listener Rules and DNS Configs
  • 003 Step-03 Update ALB Module to v6.0.0 and its other resource dependent changes
  • 004 Step-04 Execute Terraform Commands, Verify and Clean-Up

  • 13 - AWS DNS to DB using Terraform
  • 001 Step-01 Introduction to DNS to DB on AWS using Terraform
  • 002 Step-02 Update Terraform Modules to latest versions by doing Impact Analysis
  • 003 Step-03 Create RDS DB Security Group, Input Variables, Module and Outputs
  • 004 Step-04 Create TF Configs for App3 EC2 Instances
  • 005 Step-05 Create TF Configs for ALB App3 and Bastion Host Userdata
  • 006 Step-06 Execute Terraform Commands, Verify and Clean-Up

  • 14 - AWS Autoscaling with Launch Configuring using Terraform
  • 001 Step-01 Introduction to AWS Autoscaling with Launch Configuration using Terrafo
  • 002 Step-02 Create ASG using AWS Mgmt Console Part-1
  • 003 Step-03 Create ASG using AWS Mgmt Console Part-2
  • 004 Step-04 Create ASG using AWS Mgmt Console Part-3
  • 005 Step-05 Review other changes like ALB, EC2, Local Values and Route53 required f
  • 006 Step-06 Create ASG, LC and ASG Outputs using Terraform Module
  • 007 Step-07 Create Autoscaling Notification Resources
  • 008 Step-08 Create Autoscaling TTSP Policies
  • 009 Step-09 Create Autoscaling Scheduled Actions
  • 010 Step-10 Execute TF Commands and Verify ASG LC end to end
  • 011 Step-11 Test Instance Refresh using ASG Argument Change
  • 012 Step-12 Test Instance Refresh using LC Argument Change
  • 013 Step-13 Test Autoscaling with TTSP ALB Policy with Postman

  • 15 - AWS Autoscaling with Launch Templates using Terraform
  • 001 Step-01 Introduction to AWS Autoscaling with Launch Templates using Terraform
  • 002 Step-02 Implement Launch Template using AWS Mgmt Console
  • 003 Step-03 Create Launch Template Terraform Configuration
  • 004 Step-04 Create Autoscaling Group Terraform Configuration
  • 005 Step-05 Create ASG Ouputs, Scheduled Actions, TTSP and Notifications
  • 006 Step-06 Execute TF Commands, Verify and Clean-Up

  • 16 - AWS Network Load Balancer with Autoscaling Groups using Terraform
  • 001 Step-01 Introduction to AWS Network Load Balancer
  • 002 Step-02 Create TF Configs required for NLB Implementation
  • 003 Step-03 Execute TF Commands, Verify and Clean-Up NLB demo Resources

  • 17 - AWS CloudWatch Alarms, Synthetics using Terraform
  • 001 Step-01 Introduction to AWS CloudWatch using Terraform
  • 002 Step-02 Create ASG CloudWatch Alarm
  • 003 Step-03 Create ALB CloudWatch Alarm and Discuss about Terraform Import
  • 004 Step-04 Create CIS Alarms
  • 005 Step-05 Create CloudWatch Synthetics Canary using AWS Mgmt Console
  • 006 Step-06 Create CloudWatch Synthetics TF Configs
  • 007 Step-07 Create CloudWatch Synthetics Alarms TF Configs
  • 008 Step-08 Run TF Commands, Verify CW Alarms, Canaries and Destroy Resources

  • 18 - Develop Local Terraform Re-usable Modules
  • 001 Step-01 Introduction to building Terraform Local Modules
  • 002 Step-02 Create Local Module, Execute TF Commands, Test and CleanUp

  • 19 - Develop Local Terraform Module from Scratch
  • 001 Step-00 Github Repo Equivalent in Videos.html
  • 002 Step-01 Introduction to Building Terraform Modules
  • 003 Step-02 Build S3 Static Website Manually using AWS Management Console
  • 004 Step-03 Create Terraform manifests to build a static website
  • 005 Step-04 Test Terraform manifests to build a static website
  • 006 Step-05 Create and call Re-usable Terraform Module
  • 007 Step-06 Test the the module by executing terraform commands
  • 008 Step-07 Understand about Terraform Command get

  • 20 - Terraform Remote State Storage with AWS S3 and DynamoDB
  • 001 Step-01 Introduction to Remote State Storage in Terraform
  • 002 Step-02 Create S3 Bucket, DynamoDB Table, Execute TF Commands
  • 003 Step-03 Verify and Clean-Up Resources

  • 21 - Terraform Remote State Datasource with Two Projects - Demo
  • 001 Step-01 Introduction to Remote State Datasource
  • 002 Step-02 Review Update Project-1 and Project-2 TF Configs
  • 003 Step-03 Execute TF Commands, Verify and Clean-Up for Project-1 and Project-2

  • 22 - AWS IaC DevOps with CodePipeline, CodeBuild and Github
  • 001 Step-01 Introduction to IaC DevOps with AWS CodePipeline
  • 002 Step-02 Create DynamoDB Tables and Review TF Backend Configs
  • 003 Step-03 Discuss Pipeline Decisions and Implement variable tfvar files per envir
  • 004 Step-04 Review Provisioner Changes and Env specific resource name changes
  • 005 Step-05 Create Access Keys in Parameter Store
  • 006 Step-06 Review Dev and Staging BuildSpec Files
  • 007 Step-07 Create GitRepo and Check-In Code and Create Github Connection
  • 008 Step-08 Create CodePipeline DevDeploy Stage and Fix SSM Issue
  • 009 Step-09 Rerun Pipeline and Verify Entire Dev Environment
  • 010 Step-10 Fix SNS naming with local value
  • 011 Step-11 Create ManualApproval and StageDeploy Stages and Release Changes
  • 012 Step-12 Verify Staging Environment
  • 013 Step-13 Make Changes, CheckIn Github, Triggers Pipeline, Verify Dev and Stage E
  • 014 Step-14 Destroy Resources using CodePipeline

  • 23 - Congratulations !!!
  • 001 Congratulations !!!.html
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