وب سایت تخصصی شرکت فرین
دسته بندی دوره ها

Terraform for Beginners using Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

سرفصل های دوره

Start exploring Terraform from scratch along with GCP with hands-on demos

1. Terraform Overview & Installation
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2.1 course resources.pdf
  • 2. Understanding IAC - Terraform
  • 3. Install Terraform

  • 2. Terraform Basics
  • 1. Terraform Registry
  • 2. Resource Block Local Provider
  • 3. Multiple Resources
  • 4. Resource Block Random Provider
  • 5. Terraform Input Variables Block
  • 6. Types of Variables
  • 7. Terraform Local Variable Block
  • 8. Implicit and Explicit Dependencies
  • 9. Terraform Lifecycle Rules
  • 10. Terraform Provider Installation and Version
  • 11. Using Multiple Terraform Providers
  • 12. Terraform Data Block
  • 13. Terraform Module Block
  • 14. Quiz.html

  • 3. Terraform with GCP
  • 1. Google Cloud Free Trial Account
  • 2. Google Cloud Project - Service Account
  • 3. Google Provider & Version
  • 4. Authenticate Terraform with GCP using username and password
  • 5. Authenticate Terraform with GCP using Cloud Shell
  • 6. Authenticate Terraform with GCP using Service Account

  • 4. Google Cloud Storage with Terraform
  • 1. Understanding Cloud Storage
  • 2. Cloud Storage using Console
  • 3. Cloud Storage using Terraform (1)
  • 4. Cloud Storage using Terraform (2)
  • 5. Cloud Storage using Terraform (3)
  • 6. Warning Delete Buckets

  • 5. Google Cloud VPC with Terraform
  • 1.1 vpc network.pdf
  • 1. Understanding VPC Network
  • 2. Create VPC from Console
  • 3. Create VPC with Terraform
  • 4. Create Firewall Rule from Console
  • 5. Create Firewall Rule with Terraform
  • 6. Warning Delete VPC Networks

  • 6. Google Compute Engine with Terraform
  • 1.1 GCE.pdf
  • 1. Understanding Google Compute Engine
  • 2. Create VM instance from Console
  • 3. Create VM instance with Terraform
  • 4. Update Compute Engine VM instance with Terraform
  • 5. Attach Disk to VM instance with Terraform
  • 6. Create HTTP Load Balancer with Managed Instance Group from Console
  • 7. Analyze and Delete HTTP Load Balancer from Console
  • 8. Create Managed Instance Groups with Terraform

  • 7. Google App Engine with Terraform
  • 1.1 app engine.pdf
  • 1. Understanding App Engine
  • 2. Deploy simple App Engine application from Console

  • 8. Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) with Terraform
  • 1.1 gke.pdf
  • 1. Understanding Google Kubernetes Engine
  • 2. Create GKE Cluster from Console
  • 3. Create GKE Cluster with Terraform
  • 4. Cluster Details & Destroy

  • 9. Google Cloud Run with Terraform
  • 1.1 cloud run.pdf
  • 1. Understanding Google Cloud Run
  • 2. Create Cloud Run service from Console
  • 3. Create Cloud Run service with Terraform
  • 4. Allow Public Access with Terraform
  • 5. Destroy Cloud Run services

  • 10. Google Cloud Functions with Terraform
  • 1.1 cloud function.pdf
  • 1. Understanding Google Cloud Functions
  • 2. Create Cloud Function 1st gen from Console
  • 3. Deploy Cloud Function 2nd gen from Console
  • 4. Create Functions with Terraform (Create Bucket)
  • 5. Cloud Functions with Terraform (1st Gen)
  • 6. Cloud Functions with Terraform (2nd Gen)
  • 7. Destroy Cloud Functions resources

  • 11. Relational Databases Cloud SQL & Spanner with Terraform
  • 1. Cloud SQL from Console
  • 2. Cloud SQL with Terraform
  • 3. Overview Cloud SQL instance & Destroy resources
  • 4. Cloud Spanner from Console
  • 5. Cloud Spanner with Terraform
  • 6. Destroy Cloud Spanner instances

  • 12. NoSQL Databases with Terraform
  • 1. Create Firestore from Console
  • 2. Create Bigtable instance from Console
  • 3. Create Bigtable instance with Terraform
  • 4. Create Memorystore Redis instance from Console
  • 5. Create Memorystore Redis with Terraform
  • 6. Destroy Memorystore Redis resources

  • 13. BigQuery with Terraform
  • 1. BigQuery from Console
  • 2. BigQuery with Terraform

  • 14. Cloud Pub Sub with Terraform
  • 1. Cloud Pub Sub from Cloud Console
  • 2. Cloud Pub Sub with Terraform

  • 15. Congratulations
  • 1. Thank you notes & Next steps
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