1.1 3 Ways to Tame The Monkey Mind.html
1.2 Why Multitasking Doesnt Work - post from Cleveland Clinic.html
1. Multi-tasking - what it is and exercise
2. Multi-tasking Fails and how to avoid them
3.1 Mindfulness - blog post from ControlChaos.org.html
3.2 Mindfulness - The New Gateway Habit - blog post from ControlChaos.org.html
3.3 Why Mindfulness Is a Superpower An Animation - Video from Dan Harris (3 mins).html
3. Mindfulness - What it is, why it matters, and how you can start a practice.
4.1 4-7-8 Breathing - Dr. Andrew Weil (under 3 mins).html
4.2 Box Breathing - 1 minute video.html
4.3 The Easiest Way to Reduce Stress - blog post from ControlChaos.org.html
4. Breathing techniques - Box Breathing and 4-7-8 breathing
5.1 3 Not So Obvious Ways to Boost Productivity - blog post from ControlChaos.org.html
5.2 Want to Increase Productivity Go to Sleep - blog post from ControlChaos.org.html
5.3 Why Sleep is More Important Than You Think! - blog post from ControlChaos.org.html
5. Sharons Top 3 Productivity Hacks
6. Productivity Action Items