1 - get Command
2 - maximize Command
3 - fullscreen Command
4 - setSize Command
5 - findElement Command
6 - click Command
7 - id Command
8 - name Command
9 - sendKeys Command
10 - className Command
11 - linkText Command
12 - cssSelector Command
13 - partialLinkText Command
14 - clear Command
15 - getText Command
16 - getTitle Command
17 - getCurrentUrl Command
18 - close Command
19 - 19.quit-Command-Selenium-WebDriver
19 - quit Command
20 - getAttribute Command
21 - isDisplayed Command
22 - isEnabled Command
23 - isSelected Command
24 - getScreenshotAs Command
25 - getPageSource Command
26 - navigate Command
27 - submit Command
28 - getTagName Command
29 - getSize Command
30 - getLocation Command
31 - xpath Command
32 - findElements Command
33 - tagName Command
34 - getCSSValue Command
35 - getClass Command
36 - getWindowHandle getWindowHandles switchTo and window Selenium WebDri
37 - selectByIndex Command
38 - selectByVisibleText Command
39 - selectByValue Command
40 - isMultiple Command
41 - getOptions Command
42 - getFirstSelectedOption Command
43 - getAllSelectedOptions Command
44 - deselectByVisibleText Command
45 - 45.deselectByIndex-Command-Selenium-WebDriver
45 - deselectByIndex Command
46 - deselectByValue Command
47 - deselectAll Command
48 - frame Command
49 - parentFrame Command
50 - defaultContent Command
51 - pageLoadTimeout Command
52 - setScriptTimeout Command
53 - implicitlyWait Command
54 - until and visibilityOfElementLocated Commands
55 - elementToBeClickable Command
56 - invisibilityOfElementLocated Command
57 - alert getText accept and dismiss command
58 - alertIsPresent Command
59 - sendKeys Command of Alert interface
60 - moveToElement Command
61 - click Command of Actions Class
62 - dragAndDropBy Command
63 - contextClick Command
64 - doubleClick Command
65 - dragAndDrop Command
66 - keyDown and keyUp Commands
67 - sendKeys Command of Actions Class
68 - chord Command
69 - switchTo Command
70 - build and perform Commands
71 - executeScript Command
72 - executeAysncScript Command
73 - getCookies Command
74 - getCookieNamed Command
75 - addCookie Command
76 - deleteCookieNamed Command
77 - deleteCookie Command
78 - deleteAllCookies Command