1. Introduction
2. Supabase in 100 Sec
3. React Premier
4. Supabase Premier
5. Creating our repo
6. Supabase Setup
7. Playwritting Setup
8. Styling Setup
9. Basic Routing and Layout
10. Creating Our Supaclient
11. Creating Tables
12. What is RLS
13. Enabling RLS
14. Generating Typescript types
15. e2e Test for signup flow
16. useSession hook
17. user context
18. Login and User Menu
19. Usernames
20. Message Board e2e tests
21. Postgres Extension
22. Postgres Things
23. All post Components
24. Post Detail Components
25. Up Votes
26. Deploying Our DataBase to Prod
27. Auth Providers
28. Deploy WebApp to Netlify