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QlikView Industry – Certificate in Procurement Analytics

سرفصل های دوره

Learn to develop QlikView BI and Analytics working within a real industry project scenario - The business of procurement

1. Getting started with QlikView
  • 1. Course Introduction
  • 2. Getting the most from this course
  • 3.1 QlikViewDesktop_x64Setup_May_2022_Release.zip
  • 3. Get QlikView and Install it
  • 4. The QlikView IDE

  • 2. Your first mini project
  • 1.1 Section_2_Resources.zip
  • 1. Get started with our first mini project
  • 2. Keywords that data analysts use
  • 3.1 The LOAD statement (used in a SCRIPT).html
  • 3. Your first data load
  • 4. Examine tabular data on your sheet
  • 5.1 Aggregation function Count().html
  • 5. Basic aggregations - Count()
  • 6.1 Aggregation function - Sum().html
  • 6. Basic aggregations - Sum()
  • 7.1 Aggregation function - Avg().html
  • 7. Basic aggregations - Avg()
  • 8.1 Aggregation function - Min().html
  • 8. Basic aggregations - Min()
  • 9.1 Basic aggregations - Max().html
  • 9. Basic aggregations - Max()
  • 10.1 Format conventions.html
  • 10.2 Formatting functions - Date().html
  • 10.3 Formatting functions - Num().html
  • 10. Using formatting functions
  • 11. Practice assignment S2.1
  • 12. Practice assignment S2.1 solution
  • 13. Knowledge Quiz.html

  • 3. The Procurement project overview
  • 1. An introduction to procurement concepts
  • 2. Project cycle
  • 3.1 Analytics_Requirements_Phase_1.pdf
  • 3.2 The procurement analytics market size to grow from USD 2.6 billion in 2021 to USD 8.0 billion by 2026.html
  • 3. Analytics requirements (Phase 1)
  • 4.1 Functional_Requirements_Phase_2.pdf
  • 4.2 Qlik NPrinting® Enterprise Reporting.html
  • 4. Functional requirements (Phase 2)
  • 5.1 Data_Requirements_Phase_3.pdf
  • 5.2 dwtables.zip
  • 5.3 Procurement_Table_Functions.xlsx
  • 5. Data requirements (Phase 3)
  • 6. Quiz time.html

  • 4. Associative data modelling
  • 1.1 More reading and links for Associative modelling of data..html
  • 1. Associative model concept 101 - Part 1
  • 2. Associative model concept 101 - Part 2
  • 3. Associative model concept 101 - Final
  • 4.1 Columnar databases explained.html
  • 4. The Schema
  • 5. Quiz time.html

  • 5. Project ELT processing (Phase 4) - Staging
  • 1. Data extraction plan
  • 2.1 SQL_Server_2019_Install_Software.zip
  • 2. Installing SQL Server 2019 Developer & Studio
  • 3.1 DWProcurement_Course.zip
  • 3. Restore the procurement data warehouse
  • 4. Get started with the load script editor
  • 5. Create a connection to the data warehouse
  • 6. Extract and load dimension data - Technique
  • 7. Extract and load dimension data - Preceding Load
  • 8. Extract and load dimension data - Drop tables
  • 9.1 Spec_Exercise_5_1.pdf
  • 9. Exercise 5.1 - Combine your knowledge
  • 10. Exercise 5.1 - Solution demo
  • 11. Quiz time.html
  • 12. Extract and load fact data
  • 13.1 Spec_Exercise_5_2.pdf
  • 13. Exercise 5.2 - Final extract and load
  • 14. Exercise 5.2 - Solution demo
  • 15. Quiz time.html
  • 16.1 All_Section_5_QVD_and_QVW_Files .zip
  • 16.2 eltprocurement_qvs_demo_part_1.zip
  • 16. How to ExportImport script files

  • 6. Project ELT processing (Phase 4) - Transformation
  • 1. Transform staged dimension data - The basics
  • 2.1 Help Binary load.html
  • 2.2 Help Using Exists.html
  • 2. Transform staged dimension data - Set numeric flags
  • 3.1 Spec_Exercise_6_1.pdf
  • 3. Exercise 6.1 - Set a numeric flag and more
  • 4. Exercise 6.1 - Solution demo
  • 5.1 Help Relational Operators.html
  • 5. An introduction to other functions and numeric operators
  • 6. Transform staged fact data - Part 1
  • 7.1 Spec_Exercise_6_2.pdf
  • 7. Exercise 6.2 - Code the remaining OTP transformations
  • 8. Exercise 6.2 - Solution demo
  • 9. Transform staged fact data - Final
  • 10.1 Spec_Exercise_6_3.pdf
  • 10. Exercise 6.3 - Wrap up the transaction transformation
  • 11. Exercise 6.3 - Solution demo
  • 12.1 Help Dollar Sign Expansion.html
  • 12.2 Help IterNo().html
  • 12. An introduction to variables and other functions - Part 1
  • 13.1 MasterCalendarStepsToGenerate.pdf
  • 13. An introduction to variables and other functions - Final
  • 14.1 Help Load Autogenerate.html
  • 14.2 Help Preceding Load.html
  • 14. Code the Master Calendar generator
  • 15.1 DateFormatStrings.pdf
  • 15.2 Help Date functions.html
  • 15.3 Help Formatting functions.html
  • 15. Understanding Date functions and formatting
  • 16.1 Help Date functions.html
  • 16.2 Help Dual() function.html
  • 16.3 Help Formatting functions.html
  • 16.4 ISO 8601 - Date & Time formatting.html
  • 16. Add value to the calendar with date functions
  • 17.1 Spec_Exercise_6_4.pdf
  • 17. Exercise 6.4 - Adding additional dates
  • 18. Exercise 6.4 - Solution demo
  • 19.1 All_Section_6_QVD_and_QVW_Files.zip
  • 19. QVD files, Load scripts etc
  • 20. Quiz time.html

  • 7. Project Solution build (Phase 4) - Preparing the app
  • 1.1 Analytics_Requirements_Phase_1.pdf
  • 1.2 Data_Requirements_Phase_3.pdf
  • 1.3 Functional_Requirements_Phase_2.pdf
  • 1.4 ProcurementProjectWorkFlow.pdf
  • 1. Project workflow overview
  • 2.1 All_Section_7_QVW_QVS_Files.zip
  • 2.2 IconsForSelectionButtons.zip
  • 2. Load our transformed data
  • 3.1 Help The button and actions.html
  • 3. Sheet template and filters
  • 4.1 Spec_Exercise_7_1.pdf
  • 4. Exercise 7.1 - Add a filter
  • 5. Exercise 7.1 - Solution demo
  • 6.1 Help Search Types.html
  • 6. Create a Search bar
  • 7. Create a Selections box and special buttons
  • 8.1 Spec_Exercise_7_2.pdf
  • 8. Exercise 7.2 - Next selection button
  • 9. Exercise 7.2 - Solution demo
  • 10. The Qlik Associative Selection Model - What is it
  • 11.1 TailorTheUserInterface.pdf
  • 11. Tailoring the User Interface - Part 1
  • 12.1 IconsForSelectionButtons.zip
  • 12.2 TailorTheUserInterface.pdf
  • 12. Tailoring the User Interface - Final
  • 13.1 Spec_Exercise_7_3.pdf
  • 13. Exercise 7.3 - Template mods
  • 14. Exercise 7.3 - Solution demo
  • 15. Duplicating sheets
  • 16.1 Spec_Exercise_7_4.pdf
  • 16. Exercise 7.4 - Duplicate sheets
  • 17. Exercise 7.4 - Solution demo
  • 18.1 Help Peek() Script function.html
  • 18.2 Help The Resident Load.html
  • 18. Trimming data
  • 19. Quiz time.html

  • 8. Project Solution build (Phase 4) - Spend Analysis [A]
  • 1. Section Overview
  • 2.1 ProcurementAnalytics_Section_8_QVW.zip
  • 2.2 Spend_Functional_Requirements_Phase_2.pdf
  • 2. Spend comparison via a Bar chart
  • 3.1 Help Drill down group.html
  • 3.2 Help Num() function.html
  • 3. Spend categorisation via a Pie chart
  • 4.1 Help Conditional functions.html
  • 4. Spend by Purchase Order via a Gauge chart - Part 1
  • 5.1 Help Colour functions.html
  • 5. Spend by Purchase Order via a Gauge chart - Final
  • 6.1 Help Set analysis and set expressions.html
  • 6. Introduction to set analysis - Part 1
  • 7. Introduction to set analysis - Final
  • 8. Spend inout of scope via a Stacked Bar chart - Part 1
  • 9. Spend inout of scope via a Stacked Bar chart - Final
  • 10.1 Spec_Exercise_8_1.pdf
  • 10. Exercise 8.1 - Convert a chart using a set expression
  • 11. Exercise 8.1 - Solution demo
  • 12. Contracted vs non contracted spend via a line chart - Part 1
  • 13. Contracted vs non contracted spend via a line chart - Final
  • 14.1 Spec_Exercise_8_2.pdf
  • 14. Exercise 8.2 - Calculate the non contracted spend
  • 15.1 Spend_Functional_Requirements_Phase_2.pdf
  • 15. Exercise 8.2 - Solution demo
  • 16. Quiz time.html

  • 9. Project Solution build (Phase 4) - Payment Analysis [A]
  • 1. Section Overview
  • 2.1 Payment_Functional_Requirements_Phase_2.pdf
  • 2.2 ProcurementAnalytics_Section_9_QVW.zip
  • 2. Dissect late payments using a Pivot table
  • 3. Payment performance (days late) by company via a line chart
  • 4.1 Help $Sign-Expansion in an expression.html
  • 4. Late Payment KPI TY - Part 1
  • 5. Late Payment KPI TY - Final
  • 6. Late Payment KPI - LY
  • 7.1 Spec_Exercise_9_1.pdf
  • 7. Exercise 9.1 - KPIs for On Time Payment
  • 8. Exercise 9.1 - Solution demo
  • 9.1 Help Set expressions (See Identifier 1).html
  • 9. Vendors Overdue Today KPI - Part 1
  • 10. Vendors Overdue Today KPI - Final
  • 11.1 Spec_Exercise_9_2.pdf
  • 11. Exercise 9.2 - Vendors Due Today KPI
  • 12. Exercise 9.2 - Solution demo
  • 13.1 Help Avg Chart Function.html
  • 13. Average Payment Days KPI
  • 14.1 Spec_Exercise_9_3.pdf
  • 14. Exercise 9.3 - Avg Late Days KPI
  • 15. Exercise 9.3 - Solution demo
  • 16. Quiz time.html

  • 10. Project Solution build (Phase 4) - Vendor Analysis [A]
  • 1. Section Overview
  • 2.1 Help Element functions e() and p().html
  • 2.2 ProcurementAnalytics_Section_10_QVW.zip
  • 2.3 Vendor_Analysis_Functional_Requirements_Phase_2.pdf
  • 2. Element function e() to evaluate new vendors - Part 1
  • 3. Element function e() to evaluate new vendors - Part 2
  • 4. Element function p() to evaluate returning vendors
  • 5.1 Spec_Exercise_10_1.pdf
  • 5. Exercise 10.1 - Count Lost Vendors
  • 6. Exercise 10.1 - Solution demo
  • 7.1 Help The Left Join.html
  • 7.2 Help The preceding load.html
  • 7. The data island - Part 1
  • 8. The data island - Part 2
  • 9.1 Help Alt().html
  • 9.2 Help Previous().html
  • 9. The data island - Part 3
  • 10.1 Help Null() functions.html
  • 10.2 VendorRetentionCodingTasks.pdf
  • 10. The data island - Final
  • 11. Visualise the data island metrics
  • 12.1 Spec_Exercise_10_2.pdf
  • 12. Exercise 10.2 - Visualise the data island metrics via a line chart
  • 13. Exercise 10.2 - Solution demo
  • 14. Scatter chart of Vendors by Transactions and Contracts - Part 1
  • 15. Scatter chart of Vendors by Transactions and Contracts - Final
  • 16.1 Help Container object.html
  • 16. How to organise charts on a sheet with minimal room
  • 17. Quiz time.html

  • 11. Project Solution build (Phase 4) - Reporting [R]
  • 1. Section Overview
  • 2.1 Help Reports.html
  • 2.2 Help AjaxWebview.html
  • 2.3 ProcurementAnalytics_Section_11_QVW.zip
  • 2.4 Reporting_Functional_Requirements_Phase_2.pdf
  • 2. QlikView reporting tool overview
  • 3. Top 5 Company Spend (limits applied)
  • 4.1 Spec_Exercise_11_1.pdf
  • 4. Exercise 11.1 - Top 10 Vendors
  • 5. Exercise 11.1 - Solution demo
  • 6.1 Help Aggr() for arrays.html
  • 6.2 Help Calculated dimensions.html
  • 6.3 Help Rank().html
  • 6. A calculated dimension using an array and ranking - Part 1
  • 7. A calculated dimension using an array and ranking - Final
  • 8.1 Spec_Exercise_11_2.pdf
  • 8. Exercise 11.2 - Calculated dimension vendor spend
  • 9. Exercise 11.2 - Solution demo
  • 10.1 Help Aggregation scope using TOTAL.html
  • 10.2 Help Dual() function.html
  • 10. The Straight table with TOTAL and Dual() based expressions - Part 1
  • 11. The Straight table with TOTAL and Dual() based expressions - Final
  • 12.1 Help Above().html
  • 12.2 Help Counter functions (RowNo).html
  • 12.3 Help RangeSum() function.html
  • 12. How to build cumulative value charts - Part 1
  • 13. How to build cumulative value charts - Final
  • 14.1 Spec_Exercise_11_3.pdf
  • 14. Exercise 11.3 - Add value to the cumulative chart
  • 15. Exercise 11.3 - Solution demo
  • 16.1 Help Chr function.html
  • 16.2 Help FirstSortedValue().html
  • 16.3 Rapid Tables (Ascii codes).html
  • 16. Show the highestlowest single spend value transacted with a Supplier (Vendor)
  • 17. Show the highest payment value remitted to a Supplier (Vendor)
  • 18.1 Spec_Exercise_11_4.pdf
  • 18. Exercise 11.4 - Show lowest payment remitted to a Supplier
  • 19. Exercise 11.4 - Solution demo
  • 20. Build the document report - Part 1
  • 21. Build the document report - Final
  • 22. Quiz time.html

  • 12. Project Solution build (Phase 4) - Dashboard [D]
  • 1. Section Overview
  • 2.1 Dashboard_Functional_Requirements_Phase_2.pdf
  • 2.2 Dashboard_Section_12_QVW.zip
  • 2. Getting started developing the dashboard
  • 3.1 Spec_Exercise_12_1.pdf
  • 3. Exercise 12.1 - % of spend in scope and non procurement spend KPIs
  • 4. Exercise 12.1 - Solution demo
  • 5. Showing previous years of spend on a single KPI
  • 6.1 Spec_Exercise_12_2.pdf
  • 6. Exercise 12.2 - Previous years transaction counts
  • 7. Exercise 12.2 - Solution demo
  • 8. Previous years contracts KPI and code re-use
  • 9.1 Spec_Exercise_12_3.pdf
  • 9. Exercise 12.3 - Previous years active contracts
  • 10. Exercise 12.3 - Solution demo
  • 11. Visualise procurement spend via a horizontal gauge - Part 1
  • 12. Visualise procurement spend via a horizontal gauge - Final
  • 13. Exercise 12.4 - Visualise On-Time payments
  • 14.1 Spec_Exercise_12_4.pdf
  • 14. Exercise 12.4 - Solution demo
  • 15. Visualise PO coverage via a horizontal gauge
  • 16.1 Spec_Exercise_12_5.pdf
  • 16. Exercise 12.5 - Visualise Spend in Scope
  • 17. Exercise 12.5 - Solution demo
  • 18. KPI Scorecard - Procurement spend
  • 19.1 Spec_Exercise_12_6.pdf
  • 19. Exercise 12.6 - KPI Scorecard On Time Payments
  • 20. Exercise 12.6 - Solution demo
  • 21. KPI Scorecard - PO Coverage
  • 22.1 No_Spec_For_Exercise_12_7.pdf
  • 22. Exercise 12.7 - KPI Scorecard Spend in Scope
  • 23. Exercise 12.7- Solution demo
  • 24. Finessing the Scorecard appearance
  • 25. Quiz time.html

  • 13. Home page and other items
  • 1. Detach your chart object & set reference
  • 2. What is meant by object linking and how do we do it
  • 3.1 Dashboard_Section_13_QVW.zip
  • 3. The Home page sheet

  • 14. Quiz results
  • 1.1 HowToGetYourResultsBasedCertificate.pdf
  • 1. Your quiz results based achievement certificate.html
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    ایمیل شما:
    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 47
    حجم: 6123 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 908 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 21 دی 1401
    دسته بندی محصول
    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

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