وب سایت تخصصی شرکت فرین
دسته بندی دوره ها

Python Learning for Network Engineers Automation Masterclass

سرفصل های دوره

100% Hands-on Python training session with real time Network Automation usecases (SSH, NETCONF, RESTCONF& API examples)

1. Introduction & Course Walkthrough
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Course Walkthrough

  • 2. Lab Setup
  • 1. Lab Setup Suggestion
  • 2. Install VirtualBox
  • 3. Install Ubuntu OS in VirtualBox
  • 4. Enable RDP in Ubuntu OS
  • 5. Install GNS3 in Ubuntu OS and Setup Interface
  • 6. Add TAP Interface in Ubuntu for GNS3 Device Connection
  • 7. Install Cisco vIOS L3 Image in GNS3
  • 8. Install Cisco vIOS L2 Image in GNS3
  • 9. Install GNS3 VM in VirtualBox
  • 10. Install CSV1000v in GNS3 VM
  • 11. Enable older SSH Key Exchange algorithms support in Ubuntu
  • 12. Virtual Environment in Python
  • 13. Setup Github-Desktop App and PyCharm
  • 14. Test your first script from PyCharm
  • 15. PyCharm Keyboard shortcuts

  • 3. Paramiko
  • 1.1 01_paramiko_ssh_basics.zip
  • 1. Basic SSH using Paramiko invoke_shell
  • 2.1 02_bytes_unicode.zip
  • 2. Bytes and Unicode
  • 3.1 03_for_loop_multiple_commands.zip
  • 3. Send multiple commands using for loop
  • 4.1 04_ssh_function.zip
  • 4. SSH connection function
  • 5.1 05_ssh_host_key_policy.zip
  • 5. SSH known host key Policies in Paramiko
  • 6.1 06_paramiko_exec_command.zip
  • 6. Paramiko exec_command
  • 7.1 07_ssh_key_based_auth_linux.zip
  • 7. SSH key based authentication to Linux OS
  • 8.1 08_paramiko_exceptions.zip
  • 8. SSH exception handlings
  • 9.1 09_ssh_key_auth_cisco.zip
  • 9.2 paramiko.zip
  • 9. SSH Key based authentication with Cisco
  • 10.1 01_Paramiko.zip
  • 10. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 4. File Operations
  • 1.1 01_file_operations_demo.zip
  • 1.2 config1.zip
  • 1. Text file operations using Python
  • 2.1 02_command_output_to_file.zip
  • 2.2 output.zip
  • 2. Save device output to text file
  • 3.1 03_send_config_from_file.zip
  • 3.2 config2.zip
  • 3. Send config commands from text file
  • 4.1 02_file_operations.zip
  • 4. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 5. String Methods
  • 1.1 01_string_methods.zip
  • 1. Match user input using string methods Example
  • 2. String Methods theory Part 1
  • 3. String Methods theory Part 2
  • 4.1 02_splitlines_realtime_example.zip
  • 4. Splitlines Example
  • 5. Format string using ANSI Escape squences
  • 6.1 03_generate_dynamic_filenames_with_timestamp.zip
  • 6.2 show_commands.zip
  • 6. Create dynamic filenames using string methods
  • 7.1 04_save_output_to_dynamic_filename.zip
  • 7. Create SSH output dynamic files using string methods
  • 8.1 03_String_Methods.zip
  • 8. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 6. Config Compare
  • 1.1 01_text_compare_in_terminal.zip
  • 1.2 golden_conf.zip
  • 1.3 new_conf.zip
  • 1. Text file comparison using Difflib
  • 2.1 02_html_config_compare.zip
  • 2.2 diff.html
  • 2.3 golden_conf.zip
  • 2.4 show_run.zip
  • 2. Cisco Config comparison in html format
  • 3.1 04_compare_config.zip
  • 3. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 7. RegEx Fundamentals
  • 1.1 01_regex_fundamentals.zip
  • 1. RegEx Introduction and basic Examples
  • 2. Create RegEx Patten Object using re.compile
  • 3. Validate Multiline outputs using RegEx
  • 4.1 05_Regex_Intro.zip
  • 4. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 8. RegEx show command Parsing Examples
  • 1.1 02_parse_show_version.zip
  • 1.2 show_version.zip
  • 1. Parse show version from text file
  • 2.1 03_parse_show_run_file.zip
  • 2.2 show_running-config.zip
  • 2. Parse show run from text file
  • 3.1 03_parse_show_run_file.zip
  • 3. Parse Interface configuration details
  • 4.1 03_parse_show_run_file.zip
  • 4. Parse route details
  • 5.1 04_parse_show_version_over_ssh.zip
  • 5. Parse show version output over SSH
  • 6.1 05_parse_show_run_ssh.zip
  • 6. Parse show run output over SSH
  • 7.1 06_parse_ip_interface_split_method.zip
  • 7.2 06_parse_ip_interface_split_method.zip
  • 7. Parse show ip interface brief using split and splitlines
  • 8.1 07_parse_int_regex.zip
  • 8. Parse show ip interface brief using RegEx
  • 9.1 05_Regex.zip
  • 9. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 9. IP Address Module
  • 1.1 01_ipaddress_objects.zip
  • 1. IP Address Objects and methods
  • 2.1 02_ip_network.zip
  • 2. IP Network Objects and methods
  • 3.1 03_validate_input_ip.zip
  • 3. Subnet validation Example script
  • 4.1 04_parse_interface_ip_address.zip
  • 4. Device Interface IP Address Object Parsing
  • 5.1 06_IP_Address.zip
  • 5. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 10. Python Functions
  • 1.1 functions_intro.zip
  • 1.2 test.zip
  • 1. Functions and Arguments Introduction
  • 2.1 cisco_task.zip
  • 2.2 password_gen.zip
  • 2. Multiple ways to pass Arguments to the function
  • 3.1 testfn_frmdiffdir.zip
  • 3.2 testfn_frmsamedir.zip
  • 3. Pass Arbitrary number of elements to function
  • 4.1 07_functions.zip
  • 4. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 11. Python Modules
  • 1.1 myconflib.zip
  • 1.2 test_packages.zip
  • 1.3 testfn_frmdiffdir.zip
  • 1. Python Modules and Packages example
  • 2.1 password_gen.zip
  • 2. Example of if __name__ == '__main__'
  • 3.1 08_modules_packages.zip
  • 3. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 12. Python Classes and Objects Basics
  • 1.1 cisco_parser.zip
  • 1. Classes and Objects Introduction
  • 2.1 test_parser.zip
  • 2. Create Methods inside classes
  • 3.1 cisco_parser.zip
  • 3.2 test_output.zip
  • 3.3 test_parser.zip
  • 3. Cisco Configuration parsing using classes and Methods
  • 4.1 09_Classes_and_Objects.zip
  • 4. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 13. Python Data Types
  • 1.1 01_lists.zip
  • 1. Data Model Introduction
  • 2. List slicing Example
  • 3.1 01_lists.zip
  • 3. List methods
  • 4. Mutable vs Immutable Objects
  • 5.1 02_dicitionaries.zip
  • 5. Dictionary methods
  • 6.1 03_sets.zip
  • 6. Sets
  • 7.1 04_tuples.zip
  • 7. Tuples
  • 8.1 10_Data_types.zip
  • 8. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 14. PyCharm Debug
  • 1.1 password_gen.zip
  • 1.2 pycharm_debug_demo.zip
  • 1. Dictionary Data Debug Example Step over, step into
  • 2.1 password_gen.zip
  • 2.2 pycharm_debug_demo.zip
  • 2. List Data Debug Example
  • 3.1 11_PyCharm_Debug_Example.zip
  • 3. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 15. Loops and Conditionals
  • 1.1 01_for_loop.zip
  • 1. for loop
  • 2.1 02_while_loop.zip
  • 2. while loop
  • 3.1 03_if_elif_else.zip
  • 3. if elif else condition
  • 4.1 12_for_while_loops.zip
  • 4. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 16. Python Multithreading
  • 1.1 01_threading.zip
  • 1. Threading Module
  • 2.1 02_concurrent_futures.zip
  • 2. Concurrent futures
  • 3.1 03_cisco_task_threading_example.zip
  • 3. Threading Module Cisco Example
  • 4.1 04_cisco_task_c_future_example.zip
  • 4. Concurrent futures Cisco Example
  • 5.1 13_Multithreading.zip
  • 5. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 17. CSV Files
  • 1.1 01_csv_intro.zip
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2.1 01_config_in_row.csv
  • 2.2 02_read_csv_row_file.zip
  • 2. read CSV data in row format using Reader
  • 3.1 02_config_in_column.csv
  • 3.2 03_read_csv_column_file.zip
  • 3. read CSV data in column format using Reader
  • 4.1 04_csv_dictreader.zip
  • 4. CSV DictReader
  • 5.1 05_csv_dictwriter.zip
  • 5.2 inventory.csv
  • 5. CSV DictWriter
  • 6.1 14_csv.zip
  • 6. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 18. Logging
  • 1.1 01_cisco_interface_parser.zip
  • 1. Logging Setup
  • 2.1 show_ip_int_debug.zip
  • 2.2 show_ip_int_info.zip
  • 2. Logging Levels
  • 3.1 02_linux_environment_variable.zip
  • 3. Access OS Environmental variables from Python
  • 4. Trigger Email from Logger
  • 5.1 03_schedule_example.zip
  • 5.2 time.zip
  • 5. Schedule Example
  • 6. Cisco Device Interface Monitoring using Schedule
  • 7.1 15_Logging.zip
  • 7. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 19. Userful Python Concenpts
  • 1.1 01_enumerate.zip
  • 1. Enumerate
  • 2.1 02_itemgetter.zip
  • 2. Itemgetter
  • 3.1 03_sorted_and_sort.zip
  • 3. Sorted and Sort
  • 4.1 04_tabulate.zip
  • 4. Tabulate
  • 5.1 05_text_color.zip
  • 5. Add text Color
  • 6.1 06_list_comprehension.zip
  • 6. List Comprehension
  • 7.1 07_dict_comprehension.zip
  • 7. Dicitionary Comprehension
  • 8.1 08_shallow_copy_deepcopy.zip
  • 8. Shallow copy and Deepcopy
  • 9.1 09_subprocess.zip
  • 9. Subprocess
  • 10.1 16_Useful_Python_concepts.zip
  • 10. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 20. NETMIKO
  • 1.1 01_intro_netmiko.zip
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2.1 02_send_command_netmiko.zip
  • 2. send_command method
  • 3.1 03_send_config_netmiko.zip
  • 3.2 config.zip
  • 3. send_config method
  • 4.1 04_image_copy_example.zip
  • 4. IOS image copying example
  • 5.1 05_send_multiline.zip
  • 5. send_multiline method
  • 6.1 06_scp_file_transfer.zip
  • 6. SCP file transfer
  • 7.1 07_config_backup.zip
  • 7. SCP Config Backup
  • 8.1 08_enable_logging.zip
  • 8.2 ssh_log.zip
  • 8. Enable Logging in Netmiko
  • 9.1 09_with_context_manager.zip
  • 9. Context manager for device Connection
  • 10.1 10_exception_handling.zip
  • 10. Exception Handling
  • 11.1 11_ssh_key_based_auth.zip
  • 11. SSH Key based Auth
  • 12.1 12_regex_show_version.zip
  • 12.2 13_regex_show_run.zip
  • 12.3 14_regex_show_ip_int.zip
  • 12. Use Regex Pattern
  • 13.1 15_threading_netmiko.zip
  • 13. Threading in Netmiko
  • 14.1 16_concurrent_futures_netmiko.zip
  • 14. Concurrent Futures in Netmiko
  • 15.1 17_text_fsm_netmiko.zip
  • 15. TextFSM
  • 16.1 18_genie_parser_netmiko.zip
  • 16. Genie Parser
  • 17.1 17_Netmiko.zip
  • 17. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 21. Data Serialization & Templates
  • 1.1 01_json_data.zip
  • 1.2 lab_inventory.zip
  • 1. JSON
  • 2.1 02_yaml_file.zip
  • 2.2 file1.zip
  • 2. YAML
  • 3.1 03_xml_file.zip
  • 3.2 all_int.zip
  • 3.3 py_to_xml.zip
  • 3. 03 XML Using xmltodict
  • 4.1 03_xml_file.zip
  • 4.2 all_int.zip
  • 4. 04 XML Using elementTree
  • 5.1 04_jinja2_template.zip
  • 5.2 static_route_if.zip
  • 5.3 static_route_with_for_loop.zip
  • 5.4 static_route.zip
  • 5. Jinja2
  • 6.1 18_data_serialization_and_templates.zip
  • 6. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 22. NAPALM Python Library
  • 1.1 01_cli_command.zip
  • 1. Introduction & cli_show_command method
  • 2.1 02_changing_config.zip
  • 2.2 config.zip
  • 2.3 napalm_config.zip
  • 2. Changing Device Configuration Replace, Merge, Commit etc
  • 3.1 03_backup_and_restore.zip
  • 3.2 bkp.zip
  • 3. Configuration Backup and Restore
  • 4.1 04_set_revert_timer.zip
  • 4. Set Configuration Revert Timer
  • 5.1 05_getters.zip
  • 5. NAPALM Getters
  • 6.1 19_NAPALM.zip
  • 6. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 23. Nornir
  • 1.1 01_nornir_basic_task.zip
  • 1.2 inventory.zip
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2.1 02_nornir_logs.zip
  • 2.2 nornir_new.zip
  • 2. Nornir Config File Explained
  • 3.1 03_access_inventory_data.zip
  • 3. Access Nornir Inventory Data
  • 4.1 04_filter_inventory.zip
  • 4. Filter Nornir inventory for task execution
  • 5.1 05_print_title.zip
  • 5. Nornir Print title
  • 6.1 06_tasks_napalm_get_and_cli.zip
  • 6. Nornir Task napalm_get and napalm_cli
  • 7.1 07_task_napalm_configure.zip
  • 7.2 add_routes.zip
  • 7. Nornir Task napalm_configure
  • 8.1 08_netmiko_send_command.zip
  • 8. Nornir Task netmiko_send_command
  • 9.1 09_netmiko_send_config.zip
  • 9.2 add_routes.zip
  • 9. Nornir Task netmiko_send_config
  • 10.1 10_multiple_tasks_function.zip
  • 10.2 add_routes.zip
  • 10.3 remove_routes.zip
  • 10. Run multiple tasks using Function
  • 11.1 20_Nornir.zip
  • 11. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 24. NETCONF
  • 1.1 netconf_cli.zip
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2.1 01_get_netconf_capabilities.zip
  • 2. Python Ncclient library
  • 3.1 02_get_config.zip
  • 3.2 conf.zip
  • 3. get_config
  • 4.1 03_filter_data.zip
  • 4. filter Netconf response
  • 5.1 04_configure_hostname.zip
  • 5. Configure Hostname using Ncclient
  • 6.1 05_configure_interface.zip
  • 6. Configure cisco interface using Netconf
  • 7.1 06_filter_user.zip
  • 7.2 07_add_user.zip
  • 7.3 08_delete_user.zip
  • 7. Get, Add and Delete users using Netconf
  • 8.1 09_save_config.zip
  • 8.2 new_conf.zip
  • 8. Save Config
  • 9.1 10_save_pretty_xml_to_file.zip
  • 9.2 11_save_interface_filter_to_file.zip
  • 9. Save Netconf response as a Pretty XML File
  • 10.1 12_parse_xml_data.zip
  • 10.2 all_int.zip
  • 10. Parse device configuration
  • 11.1 21_NETCONF.zip
  • 11. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 25. YANG Suite
  • 1. Introduction & How to install and Setup YANG Suite
  • 2. Add repositories and Explore Data models

  • 26. RESTCONF
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Postman for Restconf
  • 3.1 01_get_all_interfaces.zip
  • 3.2 02_get_single_interface.zip
  • 3. REST API Python Scripts using Requests Library
  • 4.1 03_save_config_to_json.zip
  • 4.2 conf.zip
  • 4. Get Full config in Json format
  • 5.1 04_put_example_hostname_change.zip
  • 5.2 host.zip
  • 5. PUT Method in RESTCONF
  • 6.1 05_post_ip_domain_name.zip
  • 6. POST Method in RESTCONF
  • 7.1 06_patch_ip_domain_name.zip
  • 7. PATCH Method in RESTCONF
  • 8.1 07_delete_ip_domain_name.zip
  • 8. DELETE Method in RESTCONF
  • 9.1 08_save_config.zip
  • 9. Save Device Configuration
  • 10.1 22_RESTCONF.zip
  • 10. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 27. Cisco Nexus API (NXAPI -CLI)
  • 1.1 01_nexus_intro.zip
  • 1. Cisco Nexus 9K installation and API setup
  • 2.1 02_json_rpc_cli_ascii.zip
  • 2. NX-API json-rpc Automation using Python
  • 3.1 03_nxapi_json_rpc_exceptions.zip
  • 3. NX-OS API Handle API Exceptions
  • 4.1 nx-api-json-rpc.postman_collection.zip
  • 4.2 nx-api-json.postman_collection.zip
  • 4. NX-API Request From Postman
  • 5.1 04_nexus_json_cli_parsing.zip
  • 5. Parse show commnad output in JSON Format
  • 6.1 05_nxapi_cli_show_ascii_demo.zip
  • 6. Use RegEx to parse cli_ascii output
  • 7.1 06_cli_conf_from_postman.zip
  • 7. Send Configuration Commands using JSON Data
  • 8.1 07_cli_bash_from_postman.zip
  • 8. Execute Bash commands in Nexus Using NXAPI
  • 9. Run Python script within Nexus using CLI module
  • 10.1 NXAPI.zip
  • 10. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html

  • 28. PyATS Framework
  • 1. PyATS Introduction and how to install it in Ubuntu
  • 2. PyATS CLI Job Run Example
  • 3. PyATS CLI Parse show command output in JSON Format
  • 4. Genie Parser Python Script
  • 5. Genie Parser Python Script from PyCharm
  • 6. Use Mock devices for testing PyATS CLI and Python Scripts
  • 7. Learn Feature in PyATS
  • 8. Configure Cisco Device using PyATS
  • 9. Config comparison using Diff in PyATS
  • 10. Connection methods in PyATS
  • 11. Describe Topology Details in PyATS
  • 12.1 pyats_space.zip
  • 12. Demonstrated Scripts in Zip File.html
  • 67,300 تومان
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