68 - Azure VM quota usage of vCPUs
69 - Attach disk to an Azure VM
70 - Effect of reapply or redeploy on a VMs disk drive
71 - Updates that require stopping the VM
72 - Move Azure VM and related resources to a different resource group
73 - Move Azure VM and related resources to a different subscription
74 - Azure VM feature requiring managed disks
75 - Configure VM availability sets
76 - Effect of failure on VMs placed in an availability set
77 - Architect your solution with availability sets
78 - Availability of a single instance VM
79 - Stop or remove VMs in an availability set or zone or scale set
80 - Resize Virtual Machine Scale Set instances
81 - Autoscale VMs based on queue messages
82 - Autoscaling in VMSS
82 - Infinite loop.txt
83 - Resource groups and scale sets for new VMs
84 - Analyze running or removed VMs from a scale set
85 - Post deployment VM configuration
85 - Post deployment VM config files.txt
86 - Azure VM scale set upgrade
87 - Actions that cannot be done when a VM is deallocated
88 - PowerShell to upload disk to storage account.txt
88 - Upload a disk to the storage account
89 - ARM templates for allowed values for a parameter.txt
89 - Allowed values for a parameter in an ARM template
90 - Replicate an environment using ARM template 1
91 - Replicate an environment using ARM template 2
92 - Replicate an environment using ARM template 3
93 - Replicate an environment using ARM template 4
94 - Deploy from an exported template in the library
95 - ARM Template.txt
95 - Redeploy a template in different deployment modes
96 - Armtemplatejson.txt
96 - Effect of updating a resources property in incremental mode
97 - Redeploying child resources in complete mode
98 - ARM Template and PS Script.txt
98 - Select resource type and PowerShell command to deploy the ARM template
99 - Use PowerShell deployment commands to deploy ARM templates at different scopes
100 - ARM Templates.txt
100 - Using copy to create multiple resources in the ARM template
101 - ARM template.txt
101 - Use copyindex to create multiple VNets and subnets in ARM template
102 - ARM Template.txt
102 - Replace password with Key Vault secrets in an ARM Template
103 - ARM Template.txt
103 - Install an extension to domainjoin a VM with ARM Template
104 - ARM Templates.txt
104 - Deploy a multicontainer group in Azure Container Instance
105 - Azure CLI command.txt
105 - Connect persistent storage to a container
106 - Dockerfile and Docker commands.txt
106 - Restart policy for Azure Container Instances
107 - Commandline utility to interact with the Kubernetes cluster
108 - Scale node pools in Azure Kubernetes cluster
108 - Scale node pools in Azure Kubernetes cluster.txt
109 - Deploy app to the AKS cluster
109 - kubectl commands.txt
110 - Azure CLI commands.txt
110 - Upgrade the Kubernetes version of the AKS cluster
111 - Select the network configuration for Azure Kubernetes Service AKS
112 - Select the network profile for the app in AKS
113 - Analyze the address spaces in AKS clusters
114 - Deploy AKS cluster in an Azure Virtual Network
115 - Deploy AKS cluster with specific number of nodes