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Natural Language Processing with Python: 3-in-1

سرفصل های دوره

Build solutions to get up and speed with new trends in NLP. Three complete courses in one comprehensive training program

1. Natural Language Processing with Python
  • 1.1 Natural Language Processing with Python_A Complete Guide.zip
  • 1. The Course Overview
  • 2. Installing and Setting Up NLTK
  • 3. Implementing Simple NLP Tasks and Exploring NLTK Libraries
  • 4. Part-Of-Speech Tagging
  • 5. Stemming and Lemmatization
  • 6. Named Entity Recognition
  • 7. Frequency Distribution with NLTK
  • 8. Frequency Distribution on Your Text with NLTK
  • 9. Concordance Function in NLTK
  • 10. Similar Function in NLTK
  • 11. Dispersion Plot Function in NLTK
  • 12. Count Function in NLTK
  • 13. Introduction to Recurrent Neural Network and Long Short Term Memory
  • 14. Programming Your Own Sentiment Classifier Using NLTK
  • 15. Perform Sentiment Classification on a Movie Rating Dataset
  • 16. Starting with Latent Semantic Analysis
  • 17. Programming Example of Principal Component Analysis
  • 18. Programming Example of Singular Value Decomposition

  • 2. Text Processing Using NLTK in Python
  • 1. The Course Overview
  • 2. Accessing In-Built Corpora
  • 3. Downloading an External Corpus
  • 4. Counting All the wh-words
  • 5. Frequency Distribution Operations
  • 6. WordNet
  • 7. The Concepts of Hyponyms and Hypernyms Using WordNet
  • 8. Compute the Average Polysemy According to WordNet
  • 9. The Importance of String Operations
  • 10. Getting Deeper with String Operations
  • 11. Reading a PDF File in Python
  • 12. Reading Word Documents in Python
  • 13. Creating a User-Defined Corpus
  • 14. Reading Contents from an RSS Feed
  • 15. HTML Parsing Using BeautifulSoup
  • 16. Tokenization - Learning to Use the Inbuilt Tokenizers of NLTK
  • 17. Stemming - Learning to Use the Inbuilt Stemmers of NLTK
  • 18. Lemmatization - Learning to Use the WordNetLemmatizer of NLTK
  • 19. Stopwords - Learning to Use the Stopwords Corpus
  • 20. Edit Distance - Writing Your Own Algorithm to Find Edit Distance Between Two Str
  • 21. Processing Two Short Stories and Extracting the Common Vocabulary
  • 22. Regular Expression - Learning to Use , +, and
  • 23. Regular Expression - Learning to Use Non-Start and Non-End of Word
  • 24. Searching Multiple Literal Strings and Substrings Occurrences
  • 25. Creating Date Regex
  • 26. Making Abbreviations
  • 27. Learning to Write Your Own Regex Tokenizer
  • 28. Learning to Write Your Own Regex Stemmer

  • 3. Developing NLP Applications Using NLTK in Python
  • 1. The Course Overview
  • 2. Exploring the In-Built Tagger
  • 3. Writing Your Own Tagger
  • 4. Training Your Own Tagger
  • 5. Learning to Write Your Own Grammar
  • 6. Writing a Probabilistic CFG
  • 7. Writing a Recursive CFG
  • 8. Using the Built-In Chunker
  • 9. Writing Your Own Simple Chunker
  • 10. Training a Chunker
  • 11. Parsing Recursive Descent
  • 12. Parsing Shift-Reduce
  • 13. Parsing Dependency Grammar and Projective Dependency
  • 14. Parsing a Chart
  • 15. Using Inbuilt NERs
  • 16. Creating, Inversing, and Using Dictionaries
  • 17. Choosing the Feature Set
  • 18. Segmenting Sentences Using Classification
  • 19. Writing a POS Tagger with Context
  • 20. Creating an NLP Pipeline
  • 21. Solving the Text Similarity Problem
  • 22. Resolving Anaphora
  • 23. Disambiguating Word Sense
  • 24. Performing Sentiment Analysis
  • 25. Exploring Advanced Sentiment Analysis
  • 26. Creating a Conversational Assistant or Chatbot
  • 54,900 تومان
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    ایمیل شما:
    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 7697
    حجم: 1436 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 270 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 13 اسفند 1401
    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

    54,900 تومان
    افزودن به سبد خرید