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Microsoft Excel Skill for Data Analyst

سرفصل های دوره

Master everything you need to know to use Microsoft Excel like a Pro. Build Dashboard and Inventory Management system

1. Watch me First
  • 1.1 All Resources.zip
  • 1. How to Download and use the Practice Files

  • 2. Data Entry in Excel (Pro level)
  • 1.1 Section 2 Resources.zip
  • 1. Enter and edit Excel data
  • 2. Work fast with Excel Autofill
  • 3. Best way to use Flash Fill to save time
  • 4. How to add comment in Excel
  • 5. Data entry using Data Validation in Excel
  • 6. Advanced Way to enter data using In-Built form (No VBA)

  • 3. Understand Worksheet Navigation for swift work in Excel
  • 1.1 Section 3 Resources.zip
  • 1. Customize the Ribbon and Quick Access Tool bar
  • 2. Basic way of hiding worksheet
  • 3. Advanced way of hiding worksheet
  • 4. Freeze Panes (How to lock rows and columns)
  • 5. Inserting and moving worksheets
  • 6. Basic ways to insert rows and columns
  • 7. Shortcut to insert rows and columns
  • 8. Split Screen while working on reports
  • 9. Advanced ways to copy and past in Excel
  • 10. How to hide and unhide rows and columns
  • 11. 12 How set columns and rows width
  • 12. How to group rows and columns
  • 13. How to move cells with values or data

  • 4. Work and get Advanced with Excel Functions
  • 1.1 Section 4 Resources.zip
  • 1. Introductions to Excel functions and formulas
  • 2. Understand this steps before you write any function in excel
  • 3. Understand Relative cell reference in Excel
  • 4. Understand Absolute cell Reference in Excel
  • 5. 5 Understanding mixed cell reference in Excel
  • 6. How to create Range Names to write formulas fast
  • 7. 7. Working with Sum function with Alternative function to Aggregate values
  • 8. Working with the Sumif function
  • 9. 10. Working with Sumifs function for multiple Criterial Ranges
  • 10. Get Deep Understanding of the Round functions
  • 11. Working with the Average function
  • 12. Understanding the AverageA and its difference with from Average
  • 13. Working with the Max and Large function
  • 14. Understand the Min function in Excel
  • 15. Understand the Count and CountA function
  • 16. Understand the Countif Function (Pro level)
  • 17. How to use the Countifs function in Excel
  • 18. 3-Ways to join Strings of Text in Excel
  • 19. Understand how the Index function works
  • 20. Understand the Match function
  • 21. Complex Lookup with Index and Match function
  • 22. How to use Excel Vlookup function
  • 23. Understand how to combine vlookup plus the match function
  • 24. Do more with the Sumproduct function in Excel (Pro level)
  • 25. Remove spaces from Text using Substitute and Trim function (Pro Level)
  • 26. Textjoin instead of Concate or Concatenate function
  • 27. Understand the Excel Offset for Dashboard Automation

  • 5. Understand Excel conditional functions for dynamic Report Creation
  • 1.1 Section 5 Resources.zip
  • 1. All you need to know about the IF Function
  • 2. Understand the Nested IF Function in Excel
  • 3. Understand the IFS function in Excel
  • 4. Understand the IF and the AND function
  • 5. Understand How to use OR and the AND functions

  • 6. Data Cleaning and Transformation
  • 1.1 Section 6 Resources.zip
  • 1. Convert Text to number using Smart Tags
  • 2. Convert Text to Number using Text to Column
  • 3. Convert Text to number using Value Function
  • 4. Convert text to number using Paste Special

  • 7. Advanced Excel Formatting
  • 1.1 Section 7 Resources.zip
  • 1. Proper Excel Alignment
  • 2. Better way to merge cells in Excel
  • 3. Supper easy way to justify long text in Excel
  • 4. Formatting huge numbers in Excel
  • 5. Advanced Conditional formatting
  • 6. Highlight the key important aspect of Data with Icons

  • 8. Effective and Efficient way to Write Formulas and Function in Excel
  • 1.1 Section 8 Resources.zip
  • 1. Efficient way to split data in Excel
  • 2. Excel Ranges vs Excel Table when calculating
  • 3. Selecting range with Shortcuts
  • 4. Formula and Function best practice
  • 5. Excel best practice to create Efficient Calculation

  • 9. Combining Functions to Create a Dynamic Report
  • 1.1 Section 9 Resources.zip
  • 1. Creating Dynamic report with combined functions

  • 10. Pivot Table for Data Analysis from the scratch to the Advanced Level
  • 1.1 Section 10 Resources.zip
  • 1. What is Pivot Table
  • 2. Watch this Pivot Table Error handling first
  • 3. Getting your data ready for Pivot Table creation
  • 4. Analyze data with Excel recommended PivotTable
  • 5. How to default dimensions to number using Pivot Table
  • 6. Summarizing sales and unit sold using Pivot Table
  • 7. Monthly revenue across products and regions
  • 8. How to Cross Tabulated PivotTable
  • 9. Weekdays unit sales across Products and Region
  • 10. How to create Running total using Pivot Table
  • 11. Sorting data with PivotTable
  • 12. Understand Pivot Table Lebel Filters
  • 13. Hide selected items
  • 14. Pivot Table Value filters
  • 15. Analyze top and least selling movies using Pivot Table
  • 16. How to Adjust Pivot Table Field list Settings
  • 17. Understand how to create Multiple Report at once Using Pivot Table
  • 18. How to Create Drill Down using Pivot Table
  • 19. Advanced conditional formatting on Pivot Table
  • 20. Get Advanced using the Calculated field in Pivot Table
  • 21. Calculating percentage difference in Pivot Table
  • 22. Pivot Table custom data grouping
  • 23. Adding Time Line to filter data in Pivot Table
  • 24. Adding Slicers to multiple Pivot Table
  • 25. The best ways to create multiple Pivot Table in One Worksheet

  • 11. Form Control in Excel for better Dashboard and Report creation
  • 1.1 Section 11 Resources.zip
  • 1. How to use Combo Box in Excel Example part-1
  • 2. How to use Combo Box in Excel Example Part-2
  • 3. How to use Option button in Excel
  • 4. How to use Check Box in Excel
  • 5. How to use Scroll bar in Excel to large Data

  • 12. Pro Level Excel Tricks you Need to Know
  • 1.1 Section 12 Resources.zip
  • 1. How to Teach yourself Excel shortcuts fast
  • 2. How to quickly generate lots of date with Alt H F I and S
  • 3. Trick to generate billions of Random number in Excel
  • 4. Another way to generate millions of number in Excel
  • 5. Tricks to write advanced formula in Excel
  • 6. Tricks to add Icons to your slicers in Excel
  • 7. The settings you should know in Excel

  • 13. Security Level in Excel (secure your companys data)
  • 1.1 Section 13 Resources.zip
  • 1. Workbook and worksheet Protection

  • 14. Working with Percentages in Excel
  • 1.1 Section 14 Resources.zip
  • 1. How to calculate percentages change excel
  • 2. How to calculate percentages increase Excel
  • 3. How to calculate percentages decrease Excel

  • 15. How to Calculate loan payment using PMT Function
  • 1.1 Section 15 Resources.zip
  • 1. How to find Loan monthly Interest using PMT Function in Excel
  • 2. Part-2 How to find Loan monthly Interest using PMT Function in Excel

  • 16. (Project) WhatIF Analysis in Excel
  • 1.1 Section 16 Resources.zip
  • 1. Make accurate decision with the Excel Scenario Manager
  • 2. How to adjust Loan Payment using Goal Seek

  • 17. (Project) Inventory Management Using Excel
  • 1.1 Section 17 Resources.zip
  • 1. Full Overview (Inventory Management System)
  • 2. Creating Headings and Normal Excel Table
  • 3. Creating name ranges for all the Tables
  • 4. Adding data to Opening stock and Closing Stock
  • 5. Filling Stock in and Stock out Table from Opening Stock Table
  • 6. Adding Stock in and Stock out to Closing Stock
  • 7. Adding condition formatting to closing stock
  • 8. Adding Pivot Table to analyze the Closing stock data

  • 18. (Project) Advanced Interactive Excel Dashboard
  • 1.1 Section 18 Resources.zip
  • 1. Dashboard project Overview
  • 2. The best format or save type for dynamic Dashboard
  • 3. Data Cleaning and Transformation using Excel Power Query
  • 4. Creating the Dashboard Template
  • 5. Dashboard Important Security Error Settings
  • 6. Creating our first Analysis using the Pivot Table
  • 7. Filtering the Pivot Table to just English Movies
  • 8. Create Name Ranges for Value Referencing
  • 9. Dashboard proper Number Formatting
  • 10. Inserting Option buttons and Scroll bar to make the Dashboard Interactive
  • 11. Creating a unique list for our Dashboard
  • 12. Creating Linked Chart or Table
  • 13. Top 5 Lead Actors by Facebook Likes
  • 14. Creating charts for Top Languages Movies
  • 15. Formatting Top Languages Movies chart link Table
  • 16. Trick PivotTable to create your desired chart
  • 17. Add scroll bar to a chart
  • 18. Top 5 countries with more numbers of movies
  • 19. Adding filter to the Dashboard
  • 20. Formatting Slicer or filter
  • 21. Simple Dashboard Macro to Hide and Unhide filter
  • 22. How to track Visuals or Charts backends on the Dashboard
  • 23. How to protect your Dashboard and allow Slicers to Interact with Visuals
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    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 236
    حجم: 8723 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 976 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 22 دی 1401
    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

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