1.1 2. Copy and Paste Data.xlsx
1. Intro to Copying & Pasting Data in Excel
2.1 2. Copy and Paste Data.xlsx
2. Pasting with Options
3.1 2. Copy and Paste Data.xlsx
3. Using the Paste Option Dialog Box
4.1 2. Copy and Paste Data.xlsx
4. Pasting from the Clip Board Button
5.1 2. Copy and Paste Data.xlsx
5. Replicating Worksheet data with Move or Copy tool
6.1 3. Find and Replace.xlsx
6. Intro to Find & Replace in Excel
7.1 3. Find and Replace.xlsx
7. Find & Replace Options
8.1 3. Find and Replace.xlsx
8. Find & Replace using Wild Card
9.1 3. Find and Replace.xlsx
9. Find & Replace using Wild Card
10.1 3. Find and Replace.xlsx
10. Find & Replace based on Cell Format
11.1 4. Cell Formatting.xlsx
11. Understanding Cells
12. Increasing Cell Size, RowColumn Height & Width
13.1 5. Cell Formatting (Custom Formatting).xlsx
13. Understanding Excel Data Types
14.1 5. Cell Formatting (Custom Formatting).xlsx
14. Dates are treated like Numbers in Excel
15.1 5. Cell Formatting (Custom Formatting).xlsx
15. Intro to Cell Formatting
16.1 5. Cell Formatting (Custom Formatting).xlsx
16. Intro to Cell Formatting (2)
17.1 5. Cell Formatting (Custom Formatting).xlsx
17. Intro to Numbers Formatting
18.1 5. Cell Formatting (Custom Formatting).xlsx
18. Customizing Numbers Formatting
19.1 5. Cell Formatting (Custom Formatting).xlsx
19. Behavior of Text and Numbers Formatting
20.1 5. Cell Formatting (Custom Formatting).xlsx
20. Customizing Date Formats
21.1 5. Cell Formatting (Custom Formatting).xlsx
21. Cell Formatting Sample
22. Chapter 2 - Working with Excel Data Part 1.html