186 - Data relationship
186 - Data-Relationship-Model.pdf
187 - Onetomany relation
187 - myshop.zip
187 - sample-logo.zip
188 - Practice add brand to Shirt
188 - myshop.zip
189 - Cross model queries
190 - Onetoone relation
191 - Manytomany relation
192 - Creating categories
193 - Same model relationship
194 - Product page Django side
195 - Product page html and css
195 - product.html
195 - product.zip
196 - Django forms intro
197 - Dummy form
198 - GET and POST request
199 - CSRF
200 - Receiving POST request
201 - Django forms
201 - forms documentation.zip
201 - form fields and properties.zip
202 - Field error
203 - Success message
204 - Customizing the form field
204 - form documentation.zip
204 - form fields.zip
205 - Adding more fields
206 - Storing data on database
207 - Practice show feedbacks
208 - Django-Form-Fields-Widgets-and-Attributes.pdf
208 - Styling the form
208 - product.zip
208 - widget types list.zip
209 - The form css style.html
210 - Model forms
211 - Updating existing objects
212 - Class based views