1. Overview of Final Project
2. The V-Model
3. Using Requirements
4. Using Libraries
5. Final Project Pt1-1 Overview of Stepper.h Library
6. Final Project Pt1-2 Code Setup for Stepper.h
7. Final Project Pt1-3 Rotating Motor Using Stepper.h
8. Final Project Pt1-4 Validating Motor Code Design
9. Final Project Pt2-1 Overview of LPS25 and I2C
10. Final Project Pt2-2 Uploading LPS25 Example
11. Final Project Pt2-3 Understanding LPS25 Example
12. Final Project Pt2-4 Reading Pressure
13. Final Project Pt2-5 Validating Sensor Code Design
14. Final Project Pt2-6 Iterating on Sensor Code Design
15. Final Project Pt3-1 Overview of Integration
16. Final Project Pt3-2 Integrating the Motor and Sensor Code
17. Final Project Pt3-3 Writing Function stepMotorWithPressure()
18. Final Project Pt3-4 Validating the Final Project