1.1 TimeComplexityProblems
1. Time Complexity and Space Complexity Introduction
2. Searching Algorithms Introduction & Implementation
3. Segregation logic to Sort an array of 0s, 1s and 2s
4. Merge Sort Implementation
5. Maximum Value in an array of Increasing and Decreasing using Binary Search
6. Digit rearrangement method to find next greater number with same set of digits
7. Greedy Techniques to find minimum number of platforms
8. Techniques to print matrix in spiral order without any extra space
9. Count frequencies of array elements in O(n) time complexity
10. Linear time approach to solve Stock Buy Sell Problem
11. Merge sort method to Count inversion in an array
12. Binary search method to find Median of two sorted Array
13. Minimum Window Substring
14. Search an element in a sorted and rotated array
15. Segregation logic to Sort an array of 0s, 1s and 2s (Assigment)
16. Techniques to print matrix in spiral order without any extra space (Assignment)
17. Count frequencies of array elements in O(n) time complexity (Assignment)
18. Remove Duplicate From String (Assignment)