1. Introduction
2. Installing Python and Visual Studio Code.
3. Variables and Operators
4. Bitwise, Logical and Comparison Operators
5. Data Types
6. Functions, Lambda Functions, Arbitrary and Keyword Arguments
7. List
8. Tuple
9. Set
10. Dictionary
11. String Operations
12. if else loop
13. while loop
14. for loop and list comprehension
15. Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Introduction
16. OOP at glance
17. Class and Object
18. Inheritance, Abstraction, Encapsulation and Polymorphism
19. Decorators
20. Creating a command line app
21. Creating a Book class
22. File Hanling
23. Create Read Update Delete (CRUD) operations Book Class
24. Create Author, Reader and Person Class
25. Writing the main script to run our app